Adjust machine feed and speed, change cutting tools, or adjust machine controls when automatic programming is faulty or if machines malfunction
Calculate machine speed and feed ratios, and the size and position of cuts
Check to ensure that workpieces are properly lubricated and cooled during machine operation
Enter commands or load control media such as tapes, cards, or disks into machine controllers in order to retrieve programmed instructions
Input initial part dimensions into machine control panels
Insert control instructions into machine control units to start operation
Lift workpieces to machines manually, or with hoists or cranes
Listen to machines during operation in order to detect sounds such as those made by dull cutting tools or excessive vibration and adjust machines to compensate for problems
Measure dimensions of finished workpieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments, templates, and fixtures
Modify cutting programs to account for problems encountered during operation and save modified programs
Monitor machine operation and control panel displays, and compare readings to specifications in order to detect malfunctions
Mount, install, align, and secure tools, attachments, fixtures, and workpieces on machines, using hand tools and precision measuring instruments
Remove and replace dull cutting tools
Review program specifications or blueprints to determine and set machine operations and sequencing, finished workpiece dimensions, or numerical control sequences
Set up and operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic workpieces
Stop machines to remove finished workpieces, or to change tooling, setup, or workpiece placement, according to required machining sequences
Transfer commands from servers to computer numerical control (CNC) control modules, using computer network links
Clean machines, tooling, and parts, using solvents or solutions and rags
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