Financial Management - Understand how to process invoices
Financial Management - Understand how to prepare bank deposits
Financial Management - Understand how to process payroll
Who Should You Know? - Understand what an FSA agent offers a farm operation
Who Should You Know? - Understand what Extension Agents offer a farm operation
Who Should You Know? - Understand what CFSA Farm Services staff offer a farm operation
Who Should You Know? - Understand what NRCS Agent offers a farm operation
Marketing - Understand basic concepts of marketing plan
Marketing - Knowledge of different marketing channels and how to set-up business accordingly: direct-to-consumer (farmers markets, CSA), working with food hub/purchaser (intermediate); wholesale; agritourism
Marketing - Understand the concept and potential benefits of agritourism
Marketing - Manage market activities for at least one market channel
Online Marketing - Understand how to develop brand and logo
Online Marketing - Plan for social networking presence
Online Marketing - Understand an online marketing plan
Online Marketing - Basic understanding of online marketing platforms including CSA software, social media platforms, POS software
Certifications - Knowledge of GAP and how certification is achieved
Certifications - Understand what is Certified Organic Farm status and how certification is achieved
Certifications - Understand alternative certification programs including Naturally Certified Grown, Biodynamic etc
Certifications - Knowledge of how to participate in emergency food programs (e.g. SNAP at farmers market)
Social Implications of Ag Systems
Development of US Agriculture - Understand the history and current implications of the colonization of US lands for native peoples
Development of US Agriculture - Understand the historic roots of and current implications of slavery in US agriculture
Development of US Agriculture - Understanding the history of farmworker rights and movements in US agriculture
Development of US Agriculture - Understand the history of development of conventional agriculture as it relates to fuel, chemical inputs, seed patents etc and environmental implications
Environmental Issues in Modern Agriculture - Understand the methods associated with and social roots of the term: organic, sustainable agriculture, permaculture, biodynamics, resilient agriculture, resilient ag, climate smart ag
Environmental Issues in Modern Agriculture -Understand the term "regenerative ag", its tenets and relation to indigenous practices of agriculture
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Awareness of community networks, organizations, and dynamics where the farm is located
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Understand the social and economic motivators and outcomes of hosting events for farmer and farm
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Understand the social and economic motivators and outcomes of participating in community organizations and events for the farmer and farm
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Create schedules that reflect personal desire for wellbeing including time off farm, personal relationships, non farming activities during the agricultural season
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Awareness of local businesses that support the farming community
Nourish Family & Community Relations - Cooperative relationships with other farmers, businesses, and organizations
Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand systemic racism for BIPOC farmers related to US governmental programs and agencies (e.g. USDA, EPA)
Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand systemic racism for BIPOC farmers related to land access
Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the land back movement
Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the meaning of terms: hunger, food security, food desert and apartheid, food sovereignty
Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the elements of a community food system
Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand injustices and labor movements of US farmworkers (CIW)
Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand how local and regional food systems contribute to resilience in an emergency (COVID-19) and overall
Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand concepts of US emergency food system including government (SNAP) and community programs (food pantries)
Season Extension
Tunnel Production - Understand how to install high and/or low tunnels
Tunnel Production - Understand the different properties of tunnel plastics
Tunnel Production - Understand the proper placement of tunnels
Tunnel Production - Understand the costs and benefits of tunnels
Tunnel Production - Establish beds in tunnel
Tunnel Production - Soil management in tunnel
Tunnel Production - Perform pest management in high tunnels
Tunnel Production - Manage irrigation in high tunnels
Tunnel Production - Manage temperature/climate in high tunnels
Variety Selection - Select varieties that are best suited for each season
Variety Selection - Time planting of crops and varieties suitable for each season
Variety Selection - Evaluate what worked and didn't to improve crop planning in following season
Row Covers - Understand different characteristics and uses of row cover
Row Covers - Understand different models of hoops for placing row cover
Row Covers - Understand conditions that warrant the use or not of row cover
Row Covers - Store row cover for long-term use
Mulching - Select and evaluate mulch properties and uses
Mulching - Lay down landscape fabric for season extension
Mulching - Lay down black/white plastic on beds for season extension
Mulching - Apply organic mulches for season extension/capture warmth
Mulching - Remove and store landscape fabric
Mulching - Remove and dispose of black plastic
Post Harvest Handling & Crop Quality
Food Safety - Certified in safe food handling
Food Safety - Conduct safe food handling of vegetables post harvest
Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Clean crop
Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Cool crop
Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Sort crop
Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Grade crop
Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Record crop harvest
Packing - Label crop
Packing - Determine packing order
Packing - Pack product
Storage - Store crop in appropriate box/container
Storage - Store crop in appropriate temperature (e.g. cooler, warehouse)
Storage - Cure crop
Storage - Store crop in appropriate temperatures for longevity
Shipping & Delivery - Load products
Shipping & Delivery - Establish delivery times and pickup points
Shipping & Delivery - Determine packing order
Shipping & Delivery - Total sales
Shipping & Delivery - Maintain return inventory
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