Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) (Geriatric Specialty Level 3)

ONET: 31-1014.00


On-the-job training
  • Provides appropriate assistance with ADL’s to maximize independence and well- being incorporating expanded understanding of aging considerations and client preferences
    • Provides bathing assistance with consideration of resident’s physical, mental and cognitive status based on individual preferences and/or needs.
    • Provides assistance with oral and denture care, recognizing and reporting problems such as loose-fitting dentures, missing teeth, dry mouth, and plaque build-up.
    • Gives nail care according to plan of care, monitoring condition & reporting abnormalities.
    • Gives foot care and monitors condition for any early signs of breakdown.
    • Provides assistance with dressing and undressing as needed based on individual needs and uses of assistive devices as per plan of care.
    • Demonstrates use and care of prosthetic and orthotic devices and reports problems.
    • Incorporates task segmentation with ADL’s as outlined in care plan.
    • Provides assistance with bowel/bladder elimination based on individual needs
    • Demonstrates care of suprapubic and ostomy appliances per facility procedure.
    • Assists to maintain personal hygiene needs by providing hair care, shaving, pericare, applying make-up, washing and drying face and hands based on resident needs.
  • Provides therapeutic interventions in caring for cognitively impaired and meeting psychosocial and mental health needs of residents
    • Demonstrates techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individuals with dementia (Alzheimer’s and others).
    • Communicates effectively with cognitively impaired residents.
    • Communicates understanding of the behavior of cognitively impaired residents and verbalizes techniques to circumvent negative behaviors.
    • Responds appropriately to the behavior of cognitively impaired residents.
    • Utilizes interventions to reduce the effects of cognitive impairments, incorporating therapeutic interventions according to plan of care.
    • Provides support to families and significant others of cognitively impaired residents.
    • Recognizes and reports signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety.
    • Identifies and promptly reports mental status and behavioral changes.
    • Implements interventions to support resident coping mechanisms according to the plan of care.
    • Implements support for spiritual well-being according to individual wishes
  • Assists in identifying the social needs of residents
    • Assists in identifying, basic human needs throughout the lifespan, including physical (security, shelter, food, clothing), socio-cultural (family, friends), psychological (emotional, selfesteem, and self actualization) and spiritual needs.
    • Documents and describes mental status and behavior changes.
    • Assists in identifying sources of stress common to residents.
    • Describes how cultural attitudes contribute to psychological problems.
    • Modifies own behavior in response to resident behavior.
    • Ensures that residents are not subject to abuse by anyone.
    • Ensures that all incidences of alleged or suspected abuse/neglect are promptly reported.
    • Identifies normal sexuality and common myths related to sexuality and aging.
    • Facilitates the client's expression of needs and provides supportive communication.
    • Assists and instructs clients to be independent in the activities of daily living.
    • Modifies care to accommodate client values, customs or habits.
    • Uses family members as a source of resident emotional support.
    • Provides appropriate care for residents with depression, schizophrenia, and mental retardation.
  • Incorporates appropriate interventions in caring for dying residents
    • Identifies and recognizes the stages of dying.
    • Assists in care of dying client and their family members considering spiritual and cultural beliefs.
    • Observes, records and reports cessation of vital signs.
    • Provides post-mortem care according to facility guidelines.
  • Applies nutritional interventions to maximize/maintain nutritional health
    • Assists resident with thickened liquids and identify consistencies as needed.
    • Recognizes thickened liquid consistency and demonstrates ability to mix and administer appropriately.
    • Identifies therapeutic diets, the foods included in each specific diet, and the conditions where specific diets are prescribed.
    • Recognizes personal, cultural, and religious variations in diet.
    • Describes dietary problems of the aging.
    • Identifies why a client may need to be encouraged to drink fluids as ordered and recognizes symptoms of dehydration and reports promptly.
    • Provides and restricts fluids as ordered, verbalizing rationale for restrictions.
    • Prepares and positions the client appropriately for meals.
    • Identifies clients at nutritional risk and implements measures to minimize weight loss as per care plan.
    • Assists the client with eating using effective feeding techniques.
    • Demonstrates use of assistive eating devices.
    • Observes and records the amount/percentage consumed.
    • Recognizes potential problems associated with feeding tubes.
  • Maintains a safe, homelike environment for geriatric residents
    • Establishes a safe, clean, comfortable and homelike environment with regard for the resident's preferences.
    • Identifies environmental safety hazards, and methods used to prevent accidents, including falls, slips, and tripping hazards and uses safety precautions when oxygen is in use.
    • Identifies disaster plans and vulnerability of residents in given situations
    • Maintains and enforces safety precautions related to age of client.
    • Applies and monitors mobility alarms and demonstrates appropriate application according to plan of care.
    • Ensures faulty equipment is identified and lock-out tags out procedures are implemented per guidelines.
    • Verbalizes appropriate interventions to prevent elopement, and implement smoking precautions.
    • Considers the resident's sensory and/or cognitive impairments when planning a safe environment.
    • Monitors equipment safe use and maintenance of equipment.
  • Incorporates expanded knowledge of geriatrics in care delivery, makes observations in the care of residents with complex clinical needs and alerts nursing and medical staff to changes in condition
    • Recognizes resident need for skin protectors, i.e., geri gloves, etc., to protect fragile skin & implements these interventions as needed.
    • Demonstrates skills to minimize episodes of insomnia without medications.
    • Promotes sense of value incorporating past life experiences and recognitions, encouraging appropriate activity participation and recognizing individual sense of worth.
    • Serves as a resident advocate in care planning individualized interventions according to resident preferences.
    • Incorporates knowledge of care of resident with complex orthopedic needs –such as: complications of hip-replacement surgery, transfer of patient with hip-replacement surgery, logrolling of immobile resident, guidelines for the care of a resident in a ca
    • Incorporates knowledge of care of residents with complex infection control needs including M.R.S.A. and VRE.
    • Incorporates knowledge of care for residents with chronic or severe pain.
    • Recognizes symptoms of fecal impaction, monitors bowel function, and promptly reports any abnormalities.
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Martin, TN (38237)
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