Computer Numerical Control Programming (CNC) I (MACH 070)
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Programming I (MACH 072)
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Programming II (MACH 073)
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining Setup and Operation (MACH 074)
Mechanical Print Reading (MACH 090)
Manufacturing Processes (MACH 129)
Technical Calculations (TECALC 087)
General Machine Shop (MACH 025)
On-the-job training
Occupational Skills
Write programs in the language of a machine's controller and store programs on media such as punch tapes, magnetic tapes, or disks.
Determine the sequence of machine operations, and select the proper cutting tools needed to machine workpieces into the desired shapes.
Revise programs or tapes to eliminate errors, and retest programs to check that problems have been solved.
Analyze job orders, drawings, blueprints, specifications, printed circuit board pattern films, and design data to calculate dimensions, tool selection, machine speeds, and feed rates.
Write instruction sheets and cutter lists for a machine's controller to guide setup and encode numerical control tapes.
Observe machines on trial runs or conduct computer simulations to ensure that programs and machinery will function properly and produce items that meet specifications.
Enter computer commands to store or retrieve parts patterns, graphic displays, or programs that transfer data to other media.
Modify existing programs to enhance efficiency.
Determine reference points, machine cutting paths, or hole locations, and compute angular and linear dimensions, radii, and curvatures.
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