Production Technician: Welding Concentration - 2020
ONET: 17-3029.09
Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
Welding Work Experience (WEL-200)
Blueprint Reading for Welders (WEL-20)
Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding (WEL-75A)
Introduction to Gas Tungten Arc Welding (WEL-95A)
Metal Joining Processes (WEL-34)
Beginning Shielded Metal Arc Welding (WEL-65A)
Flux Cored Arc Welding (WEL-75B)
Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
SMAW/GMAW Pipe Welding Fundamentals
On-the-job training
Occupational Skills
Blueprint Reading/Welding Symbols – Develop the skills necessary to interpret working drawings common to the metalworking field. Focus on orthographic projection drawings and interpreting specified welding information and symbols.
Welding Math and Measuring – Knowledge to apply basic math skills, make accurate measurements and use measuring tools in regards to various aspects of the welding process.
Material Inventory Control – Training in how to manage stock materials as well as track and purchase necessary items in order to seamlessly support the overall manufacturing process.
Machine Maintenance – Know how to complete appropriate and thorough maintenance procedures to keep welding machines running safely and dependably.
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing – Knowledge of the symbolic way that specific tolerances on blueprint drawings are referenced and how this impacts the manufactured part.
Basic Fabrication –Understanding of metal fabrication by cutting, altering and shaping steel or other materials through the use of different tools, techniques and processes prior to welding.
Metallurgy – Ability to select the appropriate welding process for a particular application, choose or adjust welding parameters and techniques to optimize weldment properties and know the cause of and avoid weld defects.
Metal Finishing – Able to refine welds without compromising the integrity of the part and welded joint.
Welding Inspection – Demonstrate how to identify weld defects, confirm product is up to customer welding standards, and use appropriate tools to accomplish weld inspections.
Oxyfuel Cutting – Aptitude to produce good quality cuts on a variety materials using the correct procedures. Practice safe working procedures for handling the equipment and cylinders in the Oxyfuel process.
Plasma Arc Cutting - Aptitude to produce good quality cuts on a variety materials using the correct procedures. Practice safe working procedures for handling the equipment and cylinders in the Plasma Arc process.
GMAW/GMAW-P – Demonstrate welding using gas metal arc welding or pulsed gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) safely and correctly.
GTAW/GTAW-P - Demonstrate welding using gas Tungsten arc welding or pulsed gas Tungsten arc welding (GTAW-P) safely and correctly.
FCAW - Demonstrate welding using flux cored arc welding (FCAW) safely and correctly.
SMAW - Demonstrate welding using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) safely and correctly.
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