Demonstrates advanced understanding of principles of infection control: Identifies the Infectious process and modes of transmission of disease; demonstrates CDC guidelines related to standard precautions; demonstrates general principles of asepsis; reinfo
Demonstrates effective communication: Uses verbal and non-verbal communication to present Information in a positive and non-threatening way; responds effectively and promptly to patient’s Requests; observes and describes patient’s physical and emotion
Incorporates appropriate interventions to maximize physical functioning & mobility, maintaining proper body mechanics: turns and positions the resident in a bed or chair—side lying, supine, prone, Sim’s, high and low Fowler’s, orthopedic, logrolling
Implements appropriate interventions to maintain continence and minimize problems related to elimination: assists or provides enemas according to facility/state guidelines; measures, calculates, and records fluid intake and output; reinforces bowel and bl
Functions as a member of the health team within the health care facility and/orCommunity: identifies the essential functions of the health care facility and states the differences between acute care, long term care, assisted living, and home care; identif
Demonstrates Ethical/Professional –Practices: demonstrates professional behavior according to facility standards and guidelines; interprets, explains and applies the Patient rights and right to self-determination; provides for client privacy and dignity
Assists with treatments, procedures, and specimen collection: recognizes dangers of oxygen therapy and safety issues; performs abdominal thrusts for the choking victim (Heimlich maneuver); applies warm moist compress under the direction of a licensed nurs
Pain recognition & nonmedical interventions implemented: demonstrates ability to recognize discomfort/pain and report to licensed nurse; implements non- medicinal interventions according to plan of care; uses pain scale appropriately.
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