Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance with Inspection
Technical Mathematics
Occupational Safety and Health for General Industry
Basic Measurement and Reporting Skills
DC Circuits and Mathematical Modeling
Intermediate Algebra
Fluid Power
Basic Machining Processes
AC/DC Motors
Programmable Logic and Industrial Controls
Manufacturing Processes
AC Circuits and Mathematical Modeling
Intro to Welding Basics for Fabrication
Quality Planning and Team Building
On-the-job training
Basic Mechanical Power Transmissions
Preparatory Work - Perform lockout/tagout, blockout, and release of stored energy requirements using proper procedures.
Preparatory Work - Explain common hazards and identify associated personal protective equipment (PPE).
Preparatory Work - Match components utilizing information on a blueprint.
Preparatory Work - Select the correct tool for a job or activity.
Shafts & Couplings - Identify the different functions of shafts.
Shafts & Couplings - Identify the types of couplings used in mechanical systems and describe the functions of each.
Shafts & Couplings - Maintain and troubleshoot various types of coupling systems.
Shafts & Couplings - Demonstrate the installation of various types of coupling systems.
Shafts & Couplings - Align various types of couplings- Using a straight edge and a feeler gage to align shafts.- Align shafts using dial indicators.- Align shafts using precision alignment tools.
Bearings and Seals - Identify and describe:- Plain bearings- Ball bearings- Roller bearings- Angular contact bearings- Associated seals
Bearings and Seals - Identify and describe various types of seals.
Bearings and Seals - Troubleshoot and install- Plain bearings- Ball bearings- Roller bearings- Angular contact bearings- Associated seals
Mechanical Drives - Properly install and tension timing belts.
Mechanical Drives - Perform belt drive system identification and visual inspection
Mechanical Drives - Perform pulley fit to shaft
Mechanical Drives - Install set screws and keys
Mechanical Drives - Troubleshoot pulley wear
Mechanical Drives - Perform belt or drive unit replacement
Mechanical Drives - Identify and describe common types of chains used for flexible chain drives.
Mechanical Drives - Install roller chain drives and sprockets.
Mechanical Drives - Perform chain and sprocket alignment and tension.
Mechanical Drives - Identify and describe silent chain drives.
Mechanical Drives - Identify the various engineering chain types and drive chain sprockets
Mechanical Drives - Identify and describe the three types of chain lubrication and the correct application of each.
Mechanical Drives - Install chain guards.
Mechanical Drives - Perform chain drive system identification and visual inspection.
Mechanical Drives - Check for excessive wear and run-out of the sprockets.
Mechanical Drives - Perform sprocket fit to shaft.
Mechanical Drives - Install set screws and keys.
Mechanical Drives - Inspect for sprocket wear.
Mechanical Drives - Perform chain or drive unit replacement.
Mechanical Drives - Properly perform alignment and chain tension.
Clutches and Brakes - Identify clutch and brake functions and uses.
Clutches and Brakes - Identify friction and electromagnetic types of clutches.
Clutches and Brakes - Identify mechanical-lockup interfaces and actuation methods.
Clutches and Brakes - Perform clutch and brake identification and visual inspection.
Clutches and Brakes - Install a clutch/brake assembly.
Clutches and Brakes - Disassemble a clutch and/or brake.
Gear Drives - Identify and describe gear drive functions and uses.
Gear Drives - Identify and describe open gears and enclosed gears.
Gear Drives - Identify and describe associated seals, breathers, and lubrication.
Gear Drives - Explain gear ratings and application.
Gear Drives - Recognize and explain gear identification.
Gear Drives - Assemble - A parallel shaft gear drive. - Assemble a worm and wheel gearbox drive unit. - Assemble an angle shaft gear drive.
Industrial Cams - Identify industrial cam followers and functions
Industrial Cams - Identify the common types of cam followers and rod ends
Industrial Cams - Replace, install, and adjust cam followers and rod ends
Demonstrate the proper power-up and shut-down sequence of the robotic cell.
Locate & identify the main components of the robot, including the controller, manipulator arm, teach pendant, standard operator panel, dress-out, cables, connections, and end-of-arm-tooling or vacuum components. (Walk through with the Instructor—Amtec t
Identify & practice all safety considerations related to operating the robotic cell.
Locate & identify all components of the robotic cell including all equipment, operator interfaces, tooling, perimeter guarding, safety devices, etc.
Apply safe working practices when working with hydraulic systems.
Identify the schematic symbols for the components of an industrial hydraulic system.
Match the function of the components of an industrial hydraulic system with proper description of their function and their symbol.
Match typical hydraulic circuits used in industry with proper description. (Written exercise)
Define the terms: pressure, flow, force, velocity, horsepower, torque, watts and current as they relate to a pump motor system.
Identify the types, properties, and functions of hydraulic fluid that make power transmission possible.
Calculate head pressure.
Match symptoms of pump/tank malfunction, such as cavitation, aeration, and overheating with likely causes.
Identify the components of a hydraulic reservoir and describe their functions.
Match the following Pressure control valves with their symbol and their applications: - Relief (direct operating and pilot operated) - Two-stage relief - Pressure reducing - Sequence - Unloading & counterbalance
List sources of fluid contamination and ways to avoid contamination.
Using product literature and internet researched material, list the details to correctly maintain hydraulic power units (fixed / variable pumps, reservoirs, filters, strainers and gauges (includes P.M. considerations)
Identify the type of drains associated with each type of pressure control valve.
Set the maximum system pressure by adjusting the pressure relief valve.
From the symbol, identify the flow direction of a check valve.
Match Direction Control valves & types of spools (center condition) (including pilots and operators) with their symbols and their applications.
Label the ports on a directional control valve.
Trace the various flow paths through the directional control valve using a system schematic.
List centering conditions commonly used in directional control valves.
List piloting arrangements commonly used with directional control valves and sketch the symbols.
List the different kinds of directional control valve configurations that can be used to control the operation of a hydraulic cylinder using a system schematic.
Match flow controls (uncompensated, temperature compensated, and pressure compensated) with a description of their operation and symbol.
Connect a normally open (passing) pressure reducing valve with gage to trainer’s pressure and drain ports on the header. Adjust and monitor valves operation.
Build a circuit with a pressure reducing valve, so that a cylinder will extend at a pressure which is lower than the relief valve setting.
Connect a normally closed (non-passing) sequence valve to a flow control valve(s), gage, pressure, and drain header to achieve prescribed sequencing of multiple cylinders.
Match the components and operation to direct-acting, pilot operated and normally open pressure control valves.
Construct a circuit using a flow control valve to meter out a cylinder as it extends. As the cylinder extends, observe the pressure changes at the rod end of the cylinder. Vary the system pressure and record the pressure at the rod end of the cylinder dur
Design a circuit using a pressure compensation valve to bleed off a portion of the pump’s flow. Apply this design to control a cylinder’s rate of extension and retraction.
Label the functions of ports on a flow control valve.
Apply metering adjustments to a cylinder circuit to control the timing of cylinder extend and retract functions.
Write a description of the operation of a pressure-compensated flow control valve, and trace the path of the fluid through the valve.
Write a description of the operation of a check valve.
Write a description for the application of an accumulator in a system.
List common types of accumulators.
Identify the procedure and safety considerations for depressurizing and pre-charging a gas filled bladder type accumulator.
Demonstrate the adjustment and operation of Cylinder cushions.
Demonstrate the use of unloading valves to relieve system pressure when not needed.
Match various types of actuators (cylinders) with their proper description and symbol.
List the conditions that affect flow in a hydraulic system using a system schematic.
Match the correct tubing, hosing, and fittings to specific hydraulic applications.
Match the piping schedule to the expected system pressure used.
Troubleshoot using hydraulic circuit drawings and fault-finding charts as a systematic aid to fault-finding.
Given plant working drawings (with and without manifolds) and the state of all directional control operators, draw all paths for fluid flow and predict the circuit response associated with all adjustments and solenoid actuation.
Troubleshoot hydraulic circuits using hydraulic test equipment to determine the nature and origin of faults.
Disassemble, rebuild, and reassemble selected fluid power components.
Match the symbol and function to servo and proportional valves.
Match the schematic symbols for specific types of directional control valves including pilots and operators.
Match the schematic symbols for flow control valves.
Industrial Electricity
Safely work with electricity and electrical components.
Match a list of the kinds of personal protection equipment to their proper description.
Identify the level of current that poses a serious life-threatening condition to the human body.
Match a list of safety practices to the electrical hazards they prevent.
Match a list of the fundamental ways of generating electricity with examples of each.
Demonstrate the ability to represent a given quantity using the following prefixes: milli, micro, nano, pico, kilo, meg, giga, and tera.
Match the following list of electrical terms to their proper definition: - Volt - Ampere - Ohm - Conductance - Resistance - Insulator - Resistor - Open - Short - Coulomb
Match a list of fuses and circuit breakers to their proper descriptions.
Match wire samples to a list of their proper size and description.
List the factors that determine the current capacity of a wire conductor.
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the following test equipment: - Digital multi-meter - Analog multi-meter - Clamp-on meter - Meg-ohmmeter - Oscilloscope
Given a 10VDC supply and a 10K ohm resistor, calculate the current flow in the circuit, construct, and verify with the use of an ammeter.
Match standardized symbols used in schematic diagrams to their proper electronic components.
Construct an electromagnet using a battery, a coil of wire, and a ferromagnetic core. Estimate and verify what will happen to the strength of magnetic field when the number of turns is increased and verify in lab.
Demonstrate the induction method of generating a voltage using a coil of wire and a permanent magnet, then estimate and verify using a multi-meter or oscilloscope. What will happen if: - The number of turns is increased? - The strength of the magnet is in
Given a graphical representation of an AC sine wave, calculate the Peak to Peak voltage, Peak voltage, RMS voltage, Average voltage, Period, and the Frequency, when some of the values are given.
Setup the scope to take measurements from a starting condition of all adjustments fully counterclockwise, all switch positions in the center, left position if only a 2-position switch, and all pushbuttons out.
Use a continuity checker and an ohmmeter to verify the normally open and normally closed set of contacts on a switch.
Using live electrical circuits, make voltage measurements with respect to ground.
Use a voltmeter to determine the state of a switch (open or closed) in a circuit under power. Additionally, predict and verify with an ammeter whether current is flowing.
Given a switch, a DC relay, DC power source, light bulb, and AC power source, determine the N/O contacts of the relay and construct a circuit where the DC switching circuit controls the AC power to the light bulb.
Given a schematic, construct and debug an electrical circuit used for the purpose of troubleshooting. Demonstrate fault finding skills with the use of multi-meters to locate shorted and open circuits, induced by the Instructor.
Match a list of terms for transformers to their proper description.
Given primary voltage and current, use the known turns ratio to calculate the transformer’s secondary terminal voltage and current.
Match a list of markings, single phase, and three phase wiring schemes (Wye, Delta) to their proper description.
Match a list of the following tests performed on transformers to their proper description: - Polarity test - Insulation resistance test - Excitation and Power factor test - Impedance measurement - Winding resistance and short circuit test - Thermal test -
Industrial Electronics
List advantages of fiber optic cable.
Match the following list of electronic components to their proper description of operation and/or construction and to their correct schematic symbol: - Diode - Zener Diode - Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Given a schematic, construct an AC electrical circuit that uses a diode and resistor, and then use an oscilloscope to show how the diode will rectify on only one alternation of a sine wave.
Given a schematic, construct an AC electrical circuit that uses two diodes and a resistor, and then use an oscilloscope to show how the two diodes can pass current on both alternations of a sine wave.
Given a schematic, construct an AC electrical circuit that uses four diodes and a resistor, and then use an oscilloscope to show how the four diodes in the bridge circuit can produce full-wave rectification without using a center-tapped transformer.
Given the logic states applied to the inputs of a digital AND gate, list the logic states that will be produced at its output.
Generate a truth table for a 2 input “And Gate”, “Or Gate “and “Nand Gate”. Construct and verify.
List the different types of fiber optic terminating connectors.
List safety hazards associated with laser equipment and precautionary measures that should be taken.
Construct a circuit to couple an AC source voltage (switched on and off) to a DC signal (switching on and off) using an optical isolator IC.
Given a schematic of a differential amplifier using an OP Amp, predict the voltage gain of the circuit. Construct and verify.
Define - P-type material - N-type material
Integrated Systems
Intro to IS - Identify, by physical examination, the sequence of operations of each station of the integrated system.
Intro to IS - Identify the type of technology associated with each action on the integrated systems trainer. (e.g. electrical, pneumatic, etc.)
Intro to IS - Identify each output associated with every step in the sequence of operation on each station on the integrated systems trainer.
Intro to IS - Generate a list of most probable triggering elements associated with each step in the sequence on each station on the integrated systems trainer.
Intro to IS - Given a selected part on the drawings (prints), locate the part on the integrated system.
Intro to IS - Given a part on the integrated system, locate the part on the drawings (prints).
Intro to IS - List the part flow and process flow of the integrated systems trainer.
Troubleshooting - Demonstrate proficiency in the Start-up, Manual Operation and Automatic operation of integrated systems.
Troubleshooting - Demonstrate proficiency in reading Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic prints (full set of working drawings) that use ANSI and IEC617 symbols.
Troubleshooting - Demonstrate the ability to interpret manufacturer’s technical information and apply the information to the repair of a faulted component on an Integrated System
Troubleshooting - Given an operator’s complaint identify a faulted part. The following will be supplied: a. A copy of the sequence diagram b. A drawing depicting the physical layout of the machine c. All indicators reflecting the state of the machine d.
Troubleshooting - Given that the PLC logic cannot be viewed, identify a faulted component, wire, module, etc. when given an operator complaint. Manual operation can be attempted and common test equipment is available for use. (This assumes that the equipm
Troubleshooting - List the steps in the troubleshooting process and distinguish the changes in the methodology as it would apply to: a. An Integrated System that was just working b. An Integrated System that would not start at the beginning of a shift c.
Lean Manufacturing
Principles of Lean - Identify the seven forms of waste and give an example of each.
Principles of Lean - Identify when it is appropriate to use Continuous Improvement activities and give 2 examples of Continuous improvement associated with the student’s place of work.
Principles of Lean - List several methods that can be demonstrated by management that reflects an understanding for the Respect for Humanity.
Principles of Lean - List the characteristics of quality product.
Principles of Lean - Given an integrated system, identify all areas (stations) that reflect the principle of “Quality Built In” and list the additions that could be made in the integrated system to improve this principle.
Principles of Lean - Identify the advantages to be realized by implementing lean.
Principles of Lean - Identify the Challenges to be addressed when implementing lean.
Principles of Lean - Identify the impact of Lean on the work force, the organization and the customer
Tools of Lean - List two examples of visual management.
Tools of Lean - List the 5 “S”s and match to a list of activities that exemplifies each.
Tools of Lean - Identify applications of visual controls that can be found in the plant environment.
Tools of Lean - Define a customer needs and expectations “PULL” enterprise.
Tools of Lean - List examples of Andon.
Tools of Lean - Develop the arguments for part buffering (temporary storage) and contrast the arguments against a levelled and balanced work schedule.
Tools of Lean - Given a sample of standardized work, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the form.
Tools of Lean - Define the “5 why” methodology.
Tools of Lean - Demonstrate error and mistake proofing given a detailed description of a work cell and common operator error.
Tools of Lean - Define “Value Added.”
Roles - Identify the roles of the manager to support lean implementation.
Roles - Identify the roles of the worker to support lean implementation
Continuous Improvement - Given an integrated line drawing that reflects all sock, manual actions, machine functions and etc. exercise the Value Stream Mapping principles (VSM) to make recommendations on a process redesign… or Continuous Improvement. (As
Continuous Improvement - Using all applicable tools and principles show above, evaluate the manufacturing situation given, identify the opportunities for improvement and develop an action plan to implement your recommendations.
Continuous Improvement - When comparing typical mass production environments with a lean environment identify the differing characteristics of process Improvement, Quality, and daily operations of each.
Continuous Improvement - Identify the elements and considerations associated with critical thinking.
Machine Tool
Safety - Identify, explain, and demonstrate safe working practices while in any machining environment, including the following: - Metal cutting safety - Lathe safety - Milling machine safety - Drill press safety - Sawing safety - Manual and power tool saf
Measurement Systems - Explain dimensional measurement and its importance.
Measurement Systems - Review two systems of dimensional measurements: Define and explain the difference between U.S. Customary and Scientific International.
Measurement Systems - Define and explain the purpose and function of a machinist’s rule.
Measurement Systems - Recognize and explain the difference between measurement accuracy and measurement precision.
Measurement Systems - Perform basic and precision measurement using - A decimal-inch machinist’s rule. - A common fraction-inch rule - A zero to one inch micrometer. - A zero to 25 milimeter micrometer. - A six inch dial caliper. - A 150 mm dial caliper
Measurement Systems - Demonstrate common conversions between U.S. customary system and the S.I. Metric system.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Demonstrate knowledge of standard machine tool movements.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe metal cutting processes and the production of shapes.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the operation of a horizontal lathe.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Set up and operate an engine lathe.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the operation of a vertical milling machine.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Set up and operate vertical milling machine.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the operation of a drill press.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Set up and operate drill press.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the operation of metal cutting saws.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Set up and operate horizontal and vertical band saws.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Use hand and bench tools properly.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Use power tools properly.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Explain the function and operation of a bench vise.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the function and operation of a hacksaw.
Manual and Power Machine Tool Use - Describe the function and operation of a file.
Precision Layout - Define the purpose and use of a surface plate.
Precision Layout - Perform basic and precision layout.
Precision Layout - Identify and explain safe use and care of a surface plate.
Precision Layout - Explain the purpose of gauge blocks.
Precision Layout - Explain how to build a gauge block stack, and the process of wringing gague blocks.
Precision Layout - Recognize bore gauges and explain their purpose.
Precision Layout - Explain how to use a bore gauge.
Precision Layout - Discuss an adjustable size bore gauge.
Precision Layout - Measure lengths, widths, diameters, of various gauge block builds, gauge pins, and also convert inch measurement to metric.
Precision Layout - Layout and install per blue print specifications, power drill and hand tap holes then install chamfers using the belt sander and pencil grinder.
Band Saw Operations - Describe the operation of a horizontal band saw.
Band Saw Operations - Describe the operation of a vertical band saw.
Band Saw Operations - Set up and operate horizontal band saw, deburr safely and proficiently sawing various size mild steel to blue print specifications.
Drill Press Operations - Explain the operation of a floor drill press.
Drill Press Operations - Describe the form and cutting action of twist drills.
Drill Press Operations - Identify and explain the purpose of various of cutting fluids.
Drill Press Operations - Describe the process of reaming, countersinking, counter boring, tapping, and chamfering.
Drill Press Operations - Set up and operate drill press safely and proficiently, layout, drill, ream, chamfer, and assemble completed details per blue print specifications.
Lathe Operations - Explain the operation of a manual lathe.
Lathe Operations - Identify six safety rules to follow before starting a lathe.
Lathe Operations - Identify ten safety rules to follow during operation of the lathe.
Lathe Operations - Describe the function and operation of a universal three-jaw and independent four-jaw laithe chucks.
Lathe Operations - Describe the function of three hand wheels used to feed the cutting tool.
Lathe Operations - Explain the operation of the two types of micrometer collars on the cross feed.
Lathe Operations - Recognize the function of two types of cuts performed on the lathe.
Lathe Operations - Explain the operation of automatic feed and describe the advantage.
Lathe Operations - Identify the two types of chamfer that can be created on the lathe.
Lathe Operations - Tell how to drill a hole on a lathe.
Lathe Operations - Set up and operate the lathe safely and proficiently, layout, face ends of journals to size, turn journals and chamfers to blue print specifications, drill, tap, and ream using the tailstock.
Mill Operations - Describe the operation of a vertical mill.
Mill Operations - Discuss six safety rules to be followed before starting a milling operation.
Mill Operations - Describe the function and operation of the micrometer collars for the two movements of the knee.
Mill Operations - Explain how backlash affects the accuracy of a mill, and describe the difference between climb and down milling.
Mill Operations - Identify a step and explain the two methods used to locate the tool position when milling a step.
Mill Operations - Explain the difference between a slot and a pocket.
Mill Operations - Set up and operate milling machine safely and proficiently, layout using variety of measuring and layout tools, mill all sides parallel and perpendicular, mill keyways, slots, and pockets, drill, ream, tap, and counter sink per blueprint
Match each type of Pneumatic pressure or vacuum gage, and scale to its proper description. (Includes: absolute, gauge, atmospheres, Bars, milli-bars, inches of water and inches of mercury)
Match the Pneumatic component’s name with its industry standard schematic symbol and function.
Solve for unknown quantities when given two of the three variables, force, pressure, and area.
Match the following characteristics of a directional control valve when given its schematic symbol: - Number of positions - Number of ways and ports - Center condition - Methods of control - Methods of actuation - Detent action (if used) - Centering of of
Match the method of control associated with the following types of flow control valves: - Ball valve - Needle valve - Fixed orifice
Sketch the different types of metering circuits and choose the most preferred.
List the different applications of check valves in a given pneumatic diagram.
Label the following items when given the cross sectional views of various types of pneumatic actuators: - Rod gland seals - Wiper seals - Piston seals - Stop tubes - Stroke adjustors - Cushions
Match the circuit function of the following pressure control valves to their symbols and names: - Regulator - Sequence valve - Venting regulator - Pilot controlled regulator - Pressure relief valve
List the various types, functions, symbols and features of the following pneumatic valves: - Check - Directional control - Flow control - Pressure regulator - Sequence
List the long term symptoms associated with a lack of preventive maintenance of the following: - Dryers - Lubricators - Filters - Air receivers - Coalescing filters - F-R-L
Match the following components with a description of their function and their symbol: - Mufflers - Silencers - Filters - Lubricators - FRLs
Sketch, construct, and debug the following circuit: a standard single-acting cylinder circuit controlled by a 2 position, 3-way valve. (Manual operation)
Sketch, construct, and debug the following circuit: a standard double-acting cylinder circuit controlled by a 5 ported, 2 position directional control valve. (electrically controlled)
Sketch, construct, and debug the following circuit: a Two-hand start and auto pneumatic circuit controlling a double acting Cylinder.
Sketch, construct, and debug a pneumatic circuit that demonstrates the proper use of a quick exhaust valve.
Sketch, construct, and debug the following circuit: a pneumatic circuit that extends 2 cylinders uses reduced force on the second cylinder.
With the available lab components, safely connect, operate, and analyze the operation of the following Pneumatic circuits using the pneumatic trainer and available gauges:
Using plant working drawings perform the following: (Written exercise with prints) - Identify the proper name and function of all pneumatic components - Identify the circuit action if any component fails in an open or closed position - Select which indica
Using plant working drawings, predict the direction of pneumatic fluid flow when given the state of all directional control valves and predict the circuit response to a change of all adjustable controls.
Match the operation and application of Electro-pneumatic components to such devices as valves, electrical sensors, transducers and actuators.
Troubleshoot faulty pneumatic and electro-pneumatic circuit operation on training simulator with instructor induced faults.
Demonstrate the ability to adjust vacuum generators (ejectors) on material handling applications.
Given plant working drawings (with and without manifolds) and the state of all directional control operators, draw all paths for fluid flow and predict the circuit response associated with all adjustments and solenoid actuation.
Predictive Maintenance
"Practice advanced predictive maintenance safety by: - Identifying common predictive maintenance safety guidelines - Identifying the potential hazard of pinch points - Explaining the proper procedure for lockout, tagout, and blockout - Identifying the PPE
Explain vibration analysis by being able to: - Describe the basic concept of vibration analysis - Define the vibration cycle - Define vibration displacement - Define vibration velocity - Define acceleration - Define vibration phase - Describe broadband an
Explain shaft alignment by: - Describing and demonstrating the basic concepts of shaft alignment - Explaining and demonstrating the process of base preparation and soft foot - Explaining and demonstrating the process of rough alignment - Explaining and de
Describe maintenance databases by: - Describing the basic function of maintenance logbooks (book or electronic file). - Explaing the concept of a preventive maintenance system - Describing the process of a computerized maintenance management system - Desc
Describe predictive maintenance troubleshooting basics by doing the following: - Describe the relationship between predictive maintenance and troubleshooting - Explain the concept of troubleshooting - Describe the process of predictive maintenance trouble
Preventive Maintenance
Identify, Explain, and Demonstrate safe practices when doing general preventative maintenance including common slip hazards, hydraulic system injection hazards, and chemical hazards.
After completing assigned work, students will ensure that the work area is left clean and free of debris, maintenance supplies, parts and tools.
Monitor floor management development system by doing the following: - Maintain neat work area - Replace used tolls and equipment in designated areas - Establish minimum and maximum quantities acceptable for floor area - Maintain recycle and waste segregat
Perform equipment checks, including: - Perform visual Inspection of equipment - Check gagues - Check for abnormal readings and conditions - Verify current readings - Check valve positions, abnormal noises, leaks, and temperatures
Change air and oil filters as prescribed, and demonstrate the proper disposal of used filters.
Maintain oil and grease levels by doing the following: - Check sight glass-hydraulic oils - Check grease canisters - Check air lubricators - Check gear box oils
Troubleshoot automatic lubrication systems by: - Identify types of lubrication systems - Identify components of a series type, automatic lube system - Troubleshoot series type, automatic lube system
Using manufacturers' literature/recommendations or other typical plant resources, select the appropriate lubricant for a track.
Using manufacturers' literature/recommendations or other typical plant resources, identify the check frequencies for given equipment.
Given the criticality of a lubed component, failure, repair frequency, and monitoring equipment, estimate the check frequency.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Interpret welding terms.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Demonstrate proper welding safety in the lab environment.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Interpret an industrial drawing with welding symbols.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Identify welding joints and welding positions.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Identify the correct welding code for a given weldment.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of hand tool safety.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Use hand tools properly.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Identify welding flaws.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Demonstrate proper set-up and use of an Oxy/Fuel cutting outfit.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Demonstrate proper set-up and use of a Plasma Arc Cutter.
Weld Joint Design and Prep - Demonstrate fillet and groove joint assembly.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper safety practices for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Apply the proper welding machine settings for a given competency using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Identify and explain various welding electrodes used in the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper welding technique in flat position using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper welding technique in horizontal position using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Perform multiple welds using proper welding technique for a given weldment.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper welding technique in vertical position using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper welding technique in overhead position using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper safety practices for the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Prepare the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding machine for a given metal type and thickness.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Select the proper filler metal for a given weldment using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in flat position with steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in horizontal position with steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in flat position with stainless steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in horizontal position with stainless steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Perform welds using proper preparation and welding technique for a given weldment.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in vertical position with steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in vertical position with stainless steel.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in flat position with aluminum.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in horizontal position with aluminum.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in vertical position with aluminum.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate proper safety practices for the Gas Metal Arc Welding process.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Prepare the Gas Metal Arc Welding machine for a given metal type and thickness.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Select the proper filler metal for a given weldment using the Gas Metal Arc Welding process.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in flat position.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in horizontal position.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in vertical position.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Demonstrate the proper welding technique in overhead position.
Weld Metallurgy - Describe different types of ferrous metal.
Weld Metallurgy - Describe the crystal structure of carbon steels.
Weld Metallurgy - Describe the effects of heat treating on carbon steel.
Weld Metallurgy - Explain the effects of heating and cooling of steel using the Iron/Carbon phase diagram.
Weld Metallurgy - Describe different types of non ferrous metals.
Weld Metallurgy - Identify and explain phase diagrams.
Weld Metallurgy - Explain the effects of alloying on non ferrous metals.
Weld Metallurgy - Explain the effects of heat treating of non ferrous metals.
Weld Metallurgy - Identify and explain bend and break tests as destructive weld tests.
Weld Metallurgy - Explain the heat affected zone in a welded joint.
Pipe Welding - Identify and explain the 6G pipe welding positions.
Pipe Welding - Demonstrate the proper alignment techniques for welded pipe joints.
Pipe Welding - Perform a weld using the proper techniques for the 6G positions using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process.
Tool and Die Welding - Identify and explain tool steels.
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