IS-1 Explain the concepts and the variations of the mechatronic model for systems integration
Explain the defining of application processes for the Systems Integrations of a manufacturing system
Classify the model of Controls Architecture which determines the functions of the application devices and communication for a manufacturing process
Relate the Scope of Control to the Controls Architecture for the controller requirements and the interrelationship of the devices
Describe the System Configuration hardware model for the power, controls, interfacing, and communications
IS-2 Describe the primary system and their associated systems that transmit and controls forms of energy for the movement of machinery or process
Describe the electrical primary system that produces work by transmitting and controlling the flow of electricity through conductors (wires) as alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) is used to produce the required power
Describe the electrical primary system in which electricity is monitored and controlled to send and/or receive information, to produce or consume data, control circuits, or perform other work
Differentiate in electronic circuits the characteristics of analog or digital electrical signals
Describe the fluid power primary system that produces work by transmitting fluid (gas or liquid) under pressure through pipework, valves, and actuators
Differentiate a pneumatic system is a fluid power system that transmits power using a gas (air) and a hydraulic system is a fluid power system that transmits power using a liquid (typically oil)
Describe the mechanical primary system in which power is transmitted through gears, belts, chains, shafts, couplings, and linkages
IS-3 Describe the functions of control signal and data in the interface of machinery or process
Describe the informational primary system that monitors operations, displays quantities (values), and indicates the status of machines and processes
Describe the interfacing in a machine or process that allows primary systems to work and/or communicate with other parts of primary systems to work together in a cohesive system
IS-4 Identify and explain the principles used in controls, operator panels, computers, and networks in a mechatronic system
Display and identify the key signals in the interface setup with the peripheral equipment on the robotic application
Construct a simple programmable controller program; download, and execute
Construct a simple Human Machine Interface program; download and execute
IS-5 Perform rudimentary troubleshooting on the interrelationship of control signals to the electromechanical/fluidic systems in a mechatronic system
Identify and label the mechanical devices and sensors on the FMS-200 mechatronic system based on the notation used in the application
Relate the interface addresses on the controller to the mechanical devices and sensors on the FMS-200 mechatronic system
Observe sequence of operations and correlate to process documentation
Perform trouble shooting observations to determine the fault on the FMS-200 mechatronic system
Communications Outcomes and Objectives
C-1 Identify and define problems using appropriate reading, observation, and other information gathering techniques
C-2 Analyze causes by observing patterns and sequences
C-3 Collect, process, interpret, and evaluate information
C-4 Determine and weight appropriate, explicit evaluative criteria
C-5 Generate feasible solutions
C-6 Implement solutions and evaluate outcomes
C-7 Use lateral thinking strategies to generate ideas
C-8 Evaluate the credibility and applicability of ideas
C-9 Learn strategies for reading, writing, speaking, and listening
C-10 Prepare short written reports
C-11 Deliver an oral presentation
C-12 Explain the four (4) stages of team dynamics
C-13 Read for and locate information and integrate that information into written communications
C-14 Demonstrate how to use a word processor and PowerPoint software to produce workplace-appropriate communication
C-15 Demonstrate use of email and report conventions in workplace communication
C-16 Produce written communication that is appropriate in terms of tone, style, vocabulary, grammar, and vocabulary
BP-1 Read and apply part-, group- and total drawings and demonstrate the ability to read blueprint
Describe the function of a print
Describe two (2) methods of creating a technical drawing.
Describe the function of two (2) methods used to draw an object and give an advantage of each
Describe the three principal dimensions of an object
Explain how views are arranged in a multiview drawing
Describe a method used to visualize the views of an object based on third-angle projection
Define the alphabet of lines
Describe the function of three (3) line types used in a multiview drawing: object, hidden, and center
Describe the function of line precedence
BP-2 Demonstrate an ability to sketch.
Describe how to sketch horizontal and vertical lines
Describe how to sketch curved lines and circles
Describe how to sketch irregular shapes
Explain how views are arranged in a multiview drawing
Describe a method used to visualize the views of an object based on third-angle projection
Define the alphabet of lines
Describe the function of three line types used in a multiview drawing: object, hidden, and center
Describe the function of line precedence
BP-3 Read a blue print (mechanical w/basic GD&T)
Define two (2) types of conventional tolerances and explain how they are shown on a drawing
Define a maximum material condition
Define a least material condition
Explain how tolerance notes are used
Define two (2) types of fits
Define baseline dimensioning and give an advantage
Define a feature
Define a feature of size
Define geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
Define five (5) types of geometric features
Define a datum and a datum feature and explain their importance
Define a datum reference and give its symbol
Describe how to place a datum feature symbol on a drawing
Describe the functions of the three parts of a feature control frame
Describe how to place a feature control frame on a part drawing
Describe four (4) reasons why GD&T is used
BP-4 Interpret engineering drawing measurement and dimensioning
Describe how to choose the views for a multiview drawing
Describe when to use 2-view or 1-view drawings
Describe the function of a dimension on a print
Describe how to dimension a linear surface and the location of a point
Describe how circular features are dimensioned
Describe how angular features are dimensioned
Describe the six rules used to dimension multiview prints
Describe the function of dual dimensioning
Describe a method used to visualize the views of an object based on first- angle projection
Describe the ISO symbols used with first-angle projection
BP-5 Demonstrate how to read assembly drawings and fasteners
Describe the function of a drawing scale
Describe how to determine the appropriate drawing scale
Describe the function of a sectional view
Describe the function of a cutting plane and a cutting plane line
Describe the function of section lines
Describe eight (8) machining symbols used on prints
Describe the function and dimensioning of (4) four hole types
Describe the function of a threaded fastener and identify its three basic parts
Describe the function of two types of threads: external and internal
Describe the function of three (3) types of threaded representations
Describe how to identify threaded fasteners
Describe four (4) common thread forms
List and describe two (2) types of assembly drawings
Describe how to interpret an assembly drawing
MT-1 Demonstrate safety practices when working with a hand tools, operating machine tools
MT-2 Demonstrate machining measurement and gauging measurement tools
Define dimensional measurement and explain its importance
Describe two (2) systems of dimensional measurements: U.S. Customary System and the S.I. Metric System
Describe the function and construction of a machinist's rule
Describe how to use a metric machinist’s rule
Define measurement accuracy and explain its importance
Define resolution and explain its effect on accuracy
Describe how to use a decimal-inch machinist’s rule
Describe how to use a machinist’s rule with a common fraction-inch scale
Describe the function and construction of a tape measure
Describe how to use a tape measure to measure a length
Describe four (4) sources of measurement error
Describe how to convert measurement made in common fractions to decimal inches
Describe how to convert between the U.S. Customary System and the S.I. Metric System
Explain the function of a surface plate
Explain the information on the name plate
Understand the significance of surface plate color
Define the two calibration tests
Safety use and care for a surface plate
Explain the purpose of gauge blocks
Build a gauge block
Wring gauge blocks
List the common grades
List the common gauge block materials
Explain the advantage of sets with more blocks
Explain how block tolerances affects accuracy
Identify bore gauges and explain their purpose
Distinguish between the types of bore gauges
Identify the components of indicating bore gauges
Identify different types of setting masters used with bore gauges
Explain how to use a bore gauge
Use a fixed size bore gauge
Use an adjustable size bore gauge
MT-3 Demonstrate use of manufacturing hand tools
Describe the function and operation of a bench vise
Describe seven (7) safety rules to follow when operating the bench vise
Describe the function and operation of a hacksaw
Describe the function and operation of a file
Describe how to clean and store a file
Describe how layout lines are created on round stock
Describe how round stock is held securely in a vise
MT-4 Demonstrate use of the manual lathe
Describe the operation of a manual lathe
Describe the six safety rules to follow before starting a lathe
Describe the ten safety rules to follow during operation of the lathe
Describe the function and operation of two (2) types of lathe chucks
Describe two (2) common methods for mounting a tool in a lathe
Describe two (2) functions of the facing operation
MT-5 Demonstrate use of the manual milling machine
Describe the operation of a mill
Describe nine (9) safety rules that should be followed before starting a milling operation
Describe ten (10) safety rules that should be followed before starting a milling operation
Describe the function and operation of the micrometer collar
Explain how backlash affects the accuracy of a mill
Describe how to mount and align a work piece
MT-6 Demonstrate use of machining/milling processes
Describe a step and give four (4) applications
List and describe two (2) methods used to locate the tool position when milling a step
Describe a slot and give two (2) applications
Define a pocket and give three (3) applications
Describe a slot and give two (2) applications 8. Define a pocket and give three (3) applications
MT-7 Demonstrate the turning operation (lathe)
Describe three (3) methods used to set the spindle speed on a lathe
Describe the function of three hand wheels used to feed the cutting tool
Describe the operation of two types of micrometer collars
Describe the function of two types of cuts performed on the lathe
Describe two (2) methods of controlling the length of a horizontal cut
Describe the operation of automatic feed and give an advantage
Describe two (2) types of chamfer that can be created on the lathe
Describe the function of three (3) types of groove tools
Describe the function of two (2) types of threading tools
Describe how to drill a hole on a lathe
Describe the function and operation of a combined drill/countersink
Describe two (2) factors that control the selection of a combination drill/countersink
Describe the operation of two (2) types of micrometer collars
Describe the function of two (2) types of cuts performed on the lathe
MT-8 Demonstrate machining and the principles of grinding
Define a grinding machine
Describe the function and purpose of a grinding machine
Identify some common products produced on a grinding machine
Identify the major developments of the grinding machine throughout history
Identify all the major components and systems of a surface grinder
Describe the function and purpose of a grinder’s components and systems
Relate the movement of a grinder’s components with the different axes of travel
Explain how grinding machines are classified
Identify the main types of grinding machines
List some cutting variables associated with each type of grinder
List some basic types of grinding operations
Explain how abrasive grains cut
Discuss the parts and dimensions of a grinding wheel
Identify the basic shapes and profiles of grinding wheels
MT-9 Demonstrate the use of the drill press
Describe the purpose of performing layout work
Describe the operation of a floor drill press
Explain five (5) safety rules that should be followed before starting a drill press
Explain the eight safety rules that should be followed during the operation Of the drill press
Describe the operation of a twist drill
Describe the function and operation of cutting fluid
Describe the function and operation of reaming
8. Describe the function and operation of countersinking
Describe the function and operation of counter boring
Describe the function of tapping
Describe the function and operation of chamfering
MT-10 Demonstrate the band saw operation
Define a manufacturing process
Describe the functions of five (5) types of machine tools
Describe the shape of four (4) metal stock shapes
Describe the function of two (2) types of saws and give an application of each
Describe the operation of a horizontal band saw
Describe the operation of a vertical band saw
Explain five (5) rules to follow to dress safety around machinery
Identify the nine safety rules that should be followed before starting a band saw
Explain the nine safety rules that should be followed during the operation of a band saw
SA-1 Design, develop and create business graphics using Microsoft PowerPoint
Create & Modify Presentations
Insert Objects into Presentations
Enhancing Presentations
Integrate Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint
SA-2 Demonstrate how to access and manipulate the Internet for business purposes
SA-3 Demonstrate how to design, develop and manipulate Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and data base
Build and Editing Worksheets
Format a Worksheet
Demonstrate how to build charts with Excel
Integrate Word, Excel and, Access
SA-4 Demonstrate how to setup and use Microsoft Word processing software for communications
Demonstrate how to use basic Word and how to Edit Documents
Demonstrate how to use basic Word Formatting Text and Paragraphs
Demonstrate how to use basic Word Formatting Documents
SA-5 Demonstrate how to setup and use with Access
Using Access demonstrate Building & Using Access Tables
Using Access demonstrate Building and Using Queries
Using Access demonstrate how to Create & Use Forms
Using Access demonstrate how to Create & Use Reports
BEE-1 Safely work with electrically components
Describe the importance of observing electric safety
Describe the fundamental concepts of electricity
Describe why electrical safety hazards occur
Describe grounding
Describe how different current levels affect the human body
Describe the ways in which electric shock can be received
List the steps that should be followed when treating an individual who receives an electric shock
Describe the causes and the danger of burns caused by electricity
Describe the various practices that should be followed to prevent electrical hazards
Describe how various types of electrical devices are engineered to prevent electrical hazardous conditions from occurring
BEE-2 Explain the basic concepts of electricity
Describe the basic structure of the atom
Explain the characteristics of insulators and conductors
Describe how an atom becomes an ion
Explain the process of current flow
List the six sources of electricity and explain how they produce electrical pressure
List the requirements of an electrical circuit
Define voltage and give the letter for its unit of measure
Define current and give the letter for it unit of measure
Define resistance and give the symbol and letter for its unit of measure
Define conductance and give the letter for its unit of measure
Define power and give the letter for its unit of measure
Describe the relationships of current, voltage and resistance
Use Ohm's law equations to solve for electrical circuit values
Perform numerical conversions using Metric Prefix method
Explain the relationships between energy, work and power
Use Watt's law equations to solve for electrical circuitry values
Using both Ohm's law and Watt's law, select the proper equation to determine either the voltage, current, resistance or power values in a circuit when any two of the other values are known
Define the following terms relating to an AC waveform Cycle, Alternation, Period, Peak Value (max.), Peak-to-Peak, Effective Value (RMS), Instantaneous Value, Frequency, Hertz, Cycles per Second
State the difference between direct current and alternating current
Describe the operation of an AC generator and identify when the voltage is minimum or maximum as the loop of wire rotates through the magnetic field
Draw an AC sine wave and identify items A through G from the top objective
Compute the effective (RMS), peak, peak-to-peak and average (Ave) values of voltages and currents for a sine wave
Identify what type of AC voltage is listed on home appliances and what type of AC voltages are typically listed on schematic diagrams
List the factors which determine the frequency produced by an AC generator
Explain how AC current flows to and from the hot and neutral sockets of a home receptacle
Given the number of AC cycles that occur during a given amount of time, calculate the period of one cycle
Given a frequency, determine its time period in one second
Perform Ohm's Law problems for a resistive circuit and AC volts applied
Describe how RMS AC voltage values compare to DC voltage for heating and identify that it is used by Watt's Law formulas to calculate wattage values dissipated by resistors
BEE-3 Interpret schematics, cross reference prints, trace circuits, interpret sequential function charts, line drawings and time charts
Identify standardized symbols used in schematic diagrams that represent various electronic components
Following schematic diagrams, assemble electronic circuits using the Squiggly Line Method
Describe how to setup, connect, and operate a multimeter to measure voltages in a circuit
Explain how to setup, connect, and operate a multimeter to measure current in a circuit
Describe how to setup, connect and, operate a multimeter to measure the resistance of a component or a circuit
Define an open condition, and explain how to use a meter to identify an open circuit or component
Define an shorted condition, and explain how to use a meter to identify a shorted circuit or component
Demonstrate how to use an ohmmeter to determine the operation of a component
BEE-4 Demonstrate electrical measurement instruments, including digital and analog multimeters, clamp-on ammeters, megohmeters, and the oscilloscope.
Identify standardized symbols used in schematic diagrams that represent various electronic components
Following schematic diagrams, assemble electronic circuits using the Squiggly Line Method
Describe how to setup, connect, and operate a multimeter to measure voltages in a circuit
Explain how to setup, connect, and operate a multimeter to measure current in a circuit
Describe how to setup, connect, and operate a multimeter to measure the resistance of a component or a circuit
Define an open condition and explain how to use a meter to identify an open circuit or component
Define a shorted condition and explain how to use a meter to identify a shorted circuit or component.
Demonstrate how to use an ohmmeter to determine the operation of a component
BEE-5 Demonstrate how to fabricate and verify DC
Define the term series circuit with regard to physical and electrical description
Solve series circuit problems by calculating the following parameters using Ohm's law and Watt's law: Total Resistance, Total Current, Total Voltage, Total Power
Voltage drops, currents and power dissipated at individual resistors
Explain the effects on the circuit parameters listed in objective 2 when an open develops
Explain the effects on the circuit parameters listed in objective 2 when a shorted component develops
Given the voltage value of the power sources used by a series circuit list the voltage that will be found across one of its resistor that is open, or that is shorted
Describe how voltage and resistance values at individual resistors compare to the total voltage and total resistance values in a series circuit, based on ratios (or percentages)
Determine voltages in reference to ground in a series circuit
Indicate the voltage polarity across individual components in a DC series circuit
Use a series circuit as a voltage divider
BEE-6 Demonstrate how to fabricate and verify DC series-parallel circuits
Define a parallel circuit
Solve parallel circuit problems by calculating the following parameters: Total Resistance, Total Current, Total Voltage, Total Power, Total Conductance
Voltage drops, resistance, currents, and power dissipated at individual resistors
Explain the effects on the circuit parameters listed in step 1 when an open component develops
Explain the effects on the circuit parameters listed in step 1 when a shorted component develops
Determine how the current supplied by batteries can be increased by connecting several in parallel
Explain the effects on the circuit parameters listed in step 1 when the resistor value in one of the parallel branches is changed
Use the three standard formulas for finding equivalent resistance for two or more resistors in parallel
Describe the technique required to measure the value of a resistor in one branch
Describe how resistance affects current in a parallel branch
Explain how total current and total resistance is affected by adding parallel branches
Given the voltage, resistance or wattage values of loads connected in parallel, determine the maximum number of branches that can be connected to a power supply before a fuse is blown
BEE-7 Identify and demonstrate the use of Control Circuits
List the various names used for industrial control circuits that show its layout of components and wiring configurations
Define the following terms:
Give the terms use for the vertical and horizontal lines of a ladder diagram, and list abbreviations assigned to portions of the drawing when powered by 3-phase, single phase, and DC power sources
Identify relay ladder diagram symbols that have been standardized by the NMTBA and the automobile industry, and describe how they operate in a circuit
Identify the four fundamental elements of a ladder control circuit and describe the function of each one
List the various types of common manual and automatic input devices used in ladder control circuits, and describe the function of each one
List the various types of direct and indirect output devices used in a ladder logic circuits and describe their operation
Identify ladder control circuits that perform various logic functions, and use truth tables that represent each type of logic circuit
Ladder Logic Circuits
Interpret the ladder diagrams required to perform the following operations:
Design relay ladder diagrams to perform various operations based on the circuit requirements described
Identify components that are either input or output devices on the rung of a ladder circuit
Identify the parts of a ladder diagram and follow the rules that apply to their labeling scheme
Follow the rules that are permitted when designing and constructing a ladder diagram
Describe the characteristics and uses of various types of manual and automatic switches
Describe the operation and uses of various types of input devices, and identify their schematic symbols
Compare the physical and electrical operations of relays, contactors, and solenoids
Describe the difference between a timer and time-delay device
Describe the characteristics of sequential circuits
Create ladder logic diagrams to solve industrial applications
BEE-8 Identify and explain Conductors, Insulators, and Protection Devices
Explain the difference between overload current and short circuit current, and what causes them to develop
Describe the operation of different types of fuses, their applications, how they are rated, and how to size them
Describe the operation of different types of circuit breakers, their applications, and how to size them
Explain how arcing is created when power is removed, and how they are suppressed using arc chutes
Define the terms selective coordination and describe the difference between the time current and series rated methods
List and describe the factors that determine the ampacity of a wire conductor
Describe how to size wire conductors, and how to derate them
Explain the difference between insulation resistance and dielectric strength
Identify what the different colors of insulation indicate
Provide guidelines listed in the NFPA codes
BEE-9 Identify and explain the fundamental concepts of solid state
Describe the properties of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators
Describe the difference between electron flow and hole flow
Explain how P-type and N-type materials are formed, and the difference between them
Explain what is meant by barrier voltage, depletion region, and how it is formed
Describe how forward, reverse, or no biasing, affects the PN junction of a semiconductor, and the resulting current that flows
Identify the forward voltage drops across the PN junction of a silicon diode
Describe how to forward and reverse bias semiconductor diodes, and what the applied voltages that are required at the anode and cathode for each of these conditions
List the most common two (8) ratings of a diode that should not be exceeded
Describe the operation of a zener diode, and the voltage drops that form as the current changes when a series resistor or the supply voltage is varied
Describe the operation of a light emitting diode, what is the purpose of its current limiting resistor, and how the LED should be connected in a circuit
Identify if the condition of a diode is shorted, open, or good, by being given test results with an ohmmeter
BEE-10 Explain and demonstrate the use of power supplies
Describe the operation and identify the components of each section of a DC Power supply
Given the input voltage of a power supply, determine the secondary of the transformer based on the turns ratio, the pulsating DC output voltage of the rectifier, and the DC output of the filter circuit
For each section of a DC power supply, draw the waveforms of the input and outputs at each one
Given the frequency of the applied AC supply voltage, list the frequency of the pulsating DC voltage at the outputs of a half-wave and full-wave rectifier
Given the peak voltage of a pulsating DC voltage of half wave and full wave rectifiers, determine the average voltage
Describe in detail when the diode is forward-biased and reverse-biased, and when the filter capacitor charges and discharges
Describe how changing the values of the filter capacitor, load resistor, and voltage frequency affect the ripple of a DC power supply
Describe the difference between voltage regulation and filtering, and explain in detail how the components for each circuit function to perform their operation
Given the peak-to-peak value of an AC voltage applied to the rectifier, determine the required minimum PIV value of the rectifier diode in the circuit
Describe what happens to the zener diode current and voltage when the load resistor value and the voltage changes
Given various symptoms of a defective filtered rectifier circuit, determine the cause of the fault
BEE-11 Identify and explain solid state devices
Describe the basic construction and operation of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
List the three terminals of the bipolar transistor, and how use resistors to properly bias the junctions
Describe how a transistor operates as an amplifier, and a switching device as it is driven into saturation and cutoff
Define the term thyristor
Describe the operation of a UJT, SCR, diac and triac
Identify the schematic symbols of a UJT, SCR, diac, and triac
List the polarities required to properly bias and fire thyristor devices
Define the term holding current as it pertains to thyristors
List the factors that determine the type of function an Op Amp performs
List the factors that determine the amplitude of the output produced by an Op Amp
Given the input voltages applied to the inputs of an Op Amp comparator, list the voltages that will be produced at its output
Describe the difference between analog and digital signals
Given the logic states applied to the inputs of a digital AND gate, list the logic states that will be produced at its output
Indicate how the power supply voltages are connected to the pins of and gate IC chip
BEE-12 Identify and explain solid state system devices
List advantages of fiber optic cable
Describe common applications of fiber optic cable
Differentiate between single mode and multimode fiber optic cable
List the different types of fiber optic terminating connectors
Identify the purpose and function of barcodes
Describe barcode reader hardware
Define vision systems
Describe the linear array and matrix array
Describe pixels
Explain camera mounting considerations
Identify the types of lighting configurations
Describe the source of laser light
Explain the behavior of laser light
List safety hazards associated with laser equipment and precautionary measures that should be taken
EH-1 Demonstrate proper safety practices when working with power/hydraulics systems
Identify the safety considerations for hydraulic system installation, operation, and maintenance
Explain the pressure control safety considerations
Demonstrate the construction and applications of lock-out valves
EH-2 Identify and explain basic fluid power/hydraulics systems
Interpreting ANSI and ISO fluid power symbols, reading basic schematics
Applying force, pressure, volume, and flow relationships
Recognizing the effects of the general gas laws
Hydraulic pumps: types, construction, and operational principles
Hydraulic pressure control valves: directional control valves, and flow control valves, applications, operation, and construction
Hydraulic system instrumentation: metering, measuring, and monitoring devices
Hydraulic fluids: types, contamination control, filtration, and specifications
Hydraulic linear and rotary actuators: operation and construction, including technical and specification information
Hydraulic accumulators: types, construction, and operational parameters
Hydraulic reservoir and heat exchangers: types, construction, and applications
Identify two (2) applications of pneumatic systems and components used in industrial manufacturing, automation, and auto body assembly
Interpret a set of given ANSI and ISO fluid power symbols by reading basic schematics
Demonstrate how to apply force, pressure, volume, and flow relationships
Identify and explain the effects of the general gas laws
EH-3 Read and describe power unit schematics and operations
Understanding the need for contamination control
Applying filtration methods and standards
Identifying types, properties, and qualities of hydraulic fluids
Hydraulic pump types and capabilities
Hydraulic pump applications and controls
Reservoir types and construction, sizing hydraulic reservoirs
Hydraulic accumulator applications, construction, and gas charge
Identifying air compressors
Identifying air drying methods
Construction and applications of lock-out valves
Sizing pneumatic receivers and surge tanks
EH-4 Describe and apply hydraulic circuit connections
Types and applications of hydraulic heat exchangers and heaters
Identifying and applying fluid conductors, connectors, and fittings
Pneumatic distribution system requirements and construction considerations
EH-5 Describe and demonstrate basic cylinder circuit function
Installation and operation of cylinder indicators
Pressure intensifier operation
Air over oil cylinder circuits and applications
Seal types, applications, and materials of construction
Cylinder construction and mounting considerations
Adjusting cylinder cushions
Operational principles of pressure intensifiers
EH-6 Define and describe automatic control systems
EH-7-A Identify and describe basic electrical control concepts including basic safety practices
Directional valve construction and operation
Types of flow controls and metering methods
EH-7-B Identify and describe basic logic elements and functions
Pressure control circuits and applications
In-line and pilot operated check valve construction and circuit applications
Types of flow controls and metering methods
Cylinder construction and mounting considerations
Pressure intensifier operation
Identifying and adjusting pressure switches
Flow meter, monitor, and switch operation and applications
Hydraulic system instrumentation: metering, measuring, and monitoring devices
Identifying and adjusting pressure control valves
EH-8 Demonstrate the assembly of power/hydraulics systems
Hydraulic system fabrication; fluid conductors, connectors, and fittings
Installation parameters of hydraulic systems and components
EH-9 Demonstrate power/hydraulics systems maintenance techniques
Understanding the need for contamination control
Applying filtration methods and standards
Adjusting cylinder cushions
Identifying and adjusting pressure switches
Applying pneumatic filtration methods and standards
Applications and adjustment of pneumatic lubricators
EH-10 Demonstrate power/hydraulics systems troubleshooting techniques
Identifying types and operational principles of pressure gauges and transducers
Types and operational parameters of hydraulic motors
EH-11 Fluid Power Motor Circuit Functions
Sizing pneumatic motors
MPT-1 Safety
Describe the function of a mechanical power transmission system and give an advantage
Describe five (5) methods of rotary mechanical power transmission and give an application of each
Describe six (6) rules of safe dress for working with power transmission equipment
Describe the operation of the lockout/tag out system
MPT-2 Create and retain bolted connections in accordance with the sequence of parts and the torque
Describe the function of a foundation and give three (3) types
Describe the function and construction of a bedplate
Describe the function of a spirit level and give an application
Describe the operation of a spirit level
MPT-3 Install motors, gears and couplings
Describe three (3) types of motor mounts and give an application of each
Describe how fasteners are used to attach a motor mount to a bedplate
Describe how to select fastener size and type for a motor mount
Describe how to mount and level an electric motor
MPT-4 Determine correct fasteners and bolted connections
Describe the function and operation of a key fastener
Describe the construction of six types of keys and give an application of each
Describe how keys and key seats are specified
Describe how to measure the actual size of a key and keyseat
Describe six (6) types of set screws
Describe how to assemble a hub to a shaft using a key fastener
Describe two (2) methods of loading a mechanical drive system
Describe how to calculate rotary mechanical power
Describe how to calculate mechanical efficiency and explain its importance
Describe two (2) methods of measuring shaft torque and give an application of each
Describe three (3) methods of measuring electric motor current
MPT-5 Demonstrate mechanical diagnostic methods and approaches
MPT-6 Identify and explain power transmission systems
Describe the function of a shaft and give an application
List four (4) types of shaft materials and give an application of each
Describe how shafts are specified
Describe the function of a bearing and give an application
Define three (3) types of bearing loads and give an example of each
Describe how bearings are positioned to support a load
Describe the operation of two (2) categories of bearings and give an application of each
Describe two (2) methods of mounting a shaft bearing and give an application of each
Describe the function of a coupling and give an application
Describe the function and application of four (4) categories of mechanical couplings
Describe the operation of a flexible jaw coupling
Describe the purpose of shaft alignment and give two (2) types of misalignment
Describe a general procedure for shaft alignment and give four (4) measurement methods
Describe the operation of the straight edge and feeler gauge alignment method
MPT-7 Describe the purpose and function of belt drives
Describe the function of the three (3) basic components of a belt drive
Define pitch and explain its importance
Define the pitch circle, pitch diameter, and pitch length of a belt drive and explain their importance
Describe how to calculate the pulley ratio and explain its importance
Describe how to calculate the shaft speed and torque of a belt drive system
List five (5) types of belt drives and give an application of each
List three (3) types of v-belts and give an application of each
Describe the operation of a fractional horsepower v-belt drive
Describe how to install and align a v-belt drive
Describe how to determine belt tension for an application
Describe three (3) methods of adjusting belt tension
Describe three (3) methods of measuring belt tension and give an application of each
MPT-8 Describe the purpose and function of chain drives
Describe the function of the three (3) basic components of a chain drive
Describe how to calculate sprocket ratio and explain its importance
Describe how to calculate shaft speed and torque of a chain drive system
List four types of chains and give an application of each
List four types of roller chain drives and give an application of each
Describe the operation of a single-strand roller chain drive
Describe how to install, align, and remove a roller chain drive system with adjustable
Describe how to determine allowable chain sag for a given application
Describe two methods used to adjust chain sag
Describe how to measure chain sag
Describe the function and operation of a master link
Describe two methods of installing a lightweight chain that uses a master link
Describe the operation of a chain puller
MPT-16 Describe the purpose and function of spur gear drives
Describe the function of the three components of a gear drive system
Define the gear pitch, pitch circle, and pitch diameter and explain their importance
Describe how to calculate the gear ratio of a gear drive
Describe how to calculate the shaft speed and torque of a gear drive system
Describe the functions of four(4) types of gear drives and give an application of each
List four (4) types of parallel shaft gears and give an application of each
Describe eleven features of a gear
Identify the twelve dimensions of a gear and explain the importance of each
Identify the ten (10) dimensions and features of a gear drive and explain the importance of each
Describe the operation of a spur gear drive
Describe how to install and align a spur gear drive system
Describe the function of backlash
Describe how to determine the allowable backlash in a gear drive
Describe two (2) methods of measuring spur gear backlash
MPT-17 Describe the purpose and function of multiple shaft drives
Describe how to calculate the speed and torque output in a multiple shaft gear drive
Describe the function of a compound gear drive system and give an application
Describe how to calculate the torque and speed output of a compound gear drive system
Describe how to determine the direction of rotation of a gear drive
Describe how to install and align a multiple shaft drive system
Describe the function of a solid coupling and list two types
Describe the operation of a sleeve coupling and give an application
Describe the alignment procedure of a sleeve coupling
PPM-1 Demonstrate sound safety practices
Demonstrate proper safe practices when doing general preventative maintenance
Identify the major safety aspects of testing equipment while operating
Inspect mechatronic systems, functions of safety devices and protocol
Demonstrate how to install guards, shields, fairings and insulations
PPM-2 Maintain mechatronic systems corresponding to the maintenance and repair plans, exchange wear and tear parts in context with preventative maintenance
Interpret oil analysis data and take action
Maintain oil and grease levels
Perform equipment checks
PPM-3 Demonstrate how to take out devices and assembly parts, taking into account their function, mark parts regarding to their position and function
Change filters
PPM-4 Eliminate disturbances caused by reworking and replacement of parts and assemblies
Change filters
Describe the concepts of balancing
Describe and compare the basic types of unbalance
Explain the operation of portable and stationary temperature-indicating devices
PPM-5 Using TPM (Total Productive Maintenance principles), evaluate the need for and perform maintenance on mechanical system (including exchange of components)
Monitor floor management development system (5S)
Explain the function of logbooks and electronic file record keeping
Describe the function of a computerized maintenance management system
Describe the purpose and function of PM and predictive maintenance analyzers
PPM-6 Demonstrate how to develop and implement a predictive maintenance plan
Describe the purpose and function of PM and predictive maintenance analyzers
Describe the concept of vibration analysis
Define the most common terms related to vibration analysis
Describe the concepts of balancing
Describe and compare the basic types of unbalance
Explain the functions and differences between on-line and off-line motor current analysis
Describe the purpose function of infrared thermography
Explain the operation of portable and stationary temperature-indicating devices
Describe the basic concepts of ultrasonic analysis
Identify the flaws that can be indicated by ultrasonic analysis
Explain the function of logbooks and electronic file record keeping
Describe the function of a computerized maintenance management system
PPM-7 Identify and explain various types and styles of predictive and preventive maintenance components, principles, and practices
Describe the purpose and function of PM and predictive maintenance analyzers
Identify the major safety aspects of testing equipment while operating
Describe the concept of vibration analysis
Define the most common terms related to vibration analysis
Describe the concepts of balancing
Describe and compare the basic types of unbalance
Explain the functions and differences between on-line and off-line motor current analysis
Describe the purpose function of infrared thermography
Explain the operation of portable and stationary temperature-indicating devices
Describe the basic concepts of ultrasonic analysis
Identify the flaws that can be indicated by ultrasonic analysis
Explain the function of logbooks and electronic file record keeping
Describe the function of a computerized maintenance management system
Safety Outcomes and Objectives
S-1 Detect threats to safety and health at the workplace and initiate preventative measures (lock out/tag out, OSHA, hazardous training, chemical, sound, crushing, etc.)
S-2 Apply work-related safety and accident-prevention methods
S-3 Describe ways to react to accidents and initiate first steps
S-4 Rules for preventative fire protection, describe behavior in case of fire and undertake measures for fire fighting
S-5 Determine protective measures and carry out potential equalization
S-6 Use ladders and scaffolds
S-7 Choose and use hoists, lifting, and transport equipment
S-8 Demonstrate appropriate machine safety practice
Correctly describe the basic method of geometric dimensioning and tolerance (GD & T)
Identify the surface features in a surface texture symbol, with 100% accuracy
MS-11 Explain automation process applications
Correctly define the basic process of numerical control
Correctly describe the position of the x, y, z planes in both horizontal and vertical milling machines
MS-12 Describe industrial plastics applications.
Name two (2) categories plastics, and describe the basic characteristics of each.
List five (5) plastics processes
MS-13 Explain the design, manufacturing, implementation, and follow-up study of a manufactured component (Art to part)
Identify the implications of manufacturing and industrial processes technology on the environment and do a class oral presentation regarding these implications, with visual aids and appropriate dress
Describe the process flow of a component and/or assembly from concept, design, engineering, manufacturing, delivery, and discard, i.e., "art to part", and present their finding to the class in an oral presentation, using visual aids and appropriate dress
MS-14 Explain the design, manufacturing, implementation, and follow-up study of a manufactured component
Identify the implications of manufacturing and industrial processes technology on the environment and do a class oral presentation regarding these implications, with visual aids and appropriate dress
Describe the process flow of a component and/or assembly from concept, design, engineering, manufacturing, delivery, and discard, i.e., "art to part", and present their finding to the class in an oral presentation, using visual aids and appropriate dress
R-1 Identify the safety issues when working with robots
Explain the proper safety precautions that will be used when working around robots
List three (3) methods that can be used to prevent people from entering an active robot work cell
R-2 Explain the basics of a robot
Define what is a robot is according to the Robot Industries Association
R-3 Describe the basics components of a robot
List the three (3) basic components of any robot system and describe their functions
Classify robots according to their geometric design
List the three (3) minor (wrist) axes of a robot
R-4 Describe robotic operation
Describe the difference between an end effector and end of arm tooling
Classify robots by their drive control systems
Define the terms repeatability and accuracy
Explain the difference between a servo and non-servo robot
Describe the standard end-of-arm tooling for robots
Explain two (2) coordinate system in which robots can be manually jogged
Explain sensors interfaced to a robot
R-5 Explain basic robotic programming
Describe the basic programming function that may be used in robot programs
Convert a given binary number to its decimal equivalent
Convert a given binary number to a binary number
Describe be what is included in a robot program
Write and enter a given application program into the FANUC TPP robots
CI-1 Explain and demonstrate ESD
Understand ESD and the importance of ESD prevention
Use proper ESD protective procedures in your work day
Properly enter ESD protected areas
Use proper ESD control techniques in the field
CI-2 Explain and demonstrate how to use sensors and photoeyes
Identify various sensor types
Perform mechanical adjustments
Calibrate common sensors
C-3 Demonstrate the use and maintenance of final control elements
Troubleshoot sensors using common methods and principles
Work safely with various types of motors, relays, and control circuitry
Identify major components of AC and DC motors and describe their operating principles
Perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting of motors using proper equipment
Identify wye and delta motor configurations
Analyze and troubleshoot a servo motor with a feedback loop
Analyze the various methods of speed control
Modify parameters on variable frequency drive
Describe position control systems
Distinguish between analog and digital servos
Compare and contrast AC and DC servomotors
Explain the basic operation of a relay and associated contacts
Distinguish between relays and contactors
Describe and size a motor starter
Interpret, build and modify basic relay ladder logic
ITE-1 Explain the fundamentals of Networking
Describe the Network Evolution
Describe Network Area Networks
Explain the Wide Area Network
ITE-2 Explain the OSI model and industry standards
Explain the OSI Reference Model
Describe the Layered Approach
Explain the Layer Function
Describe Host to Host Communication
Define Data Encapsulation
ITE-3 Explain LAN
Identify the key concepts of WLAN Technology
Demonstrate how to Configure LAN
Identify the key IEEE Standards of LAN
ITE-4 Explain WAN
Identify the key concepts of WAN Technology
Demonstrate how to Configure WAN
Identify the key IEEE Standards of WAN
ITE-5 Explain TCP/IP Addressing and routing
Explain Internetwork Layer
Define and explain IP Addressing
Describe SNMP
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