Educational Technician lll

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 25-9042.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • CPR/First Aid and BB Pathogens trainings American Red Cross
  • Intro. to Education, School and Community
  • “Science of” Series
  • Behavioral Management Techniques
  • College Composition
  • Intro. to Trauma Schools and Communities
  • Intro. to Psychology
  • Best Practices for Trauma Informed Educational Environments
  • Diversity and Social Justice-No Equity Detours in the Classroom
  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • New Class: Teaching the Exceptional Child
On-the-job Training
  • Monthly OJT Hours
  • Knowledge of Student Learners
    • Demonstrates an understanding of students as both people and learners through feedback, conversation, and effective classroom strategies
    • Designs lessons with appropriate strategies to create and maintain a safe and productive learning environment
    • Engages in reflective practice and modifies instruction and communication accordingly
    • Develops instructional practices that supports building supportive relationships with students
  • Learning Environment
    • Incorporates effective instructional methods into daily practice
    • Engages students in instructional activities
    • Leads group work and discussions, creating a safe and supportive    environment
  • Curriculum
    • Implements the five major Philosophies of Education into instructional design
    • Applies constructivist learning components to instructional methods
    • Designs, assigns, and evaluates effective learning assessments
    • Develops summative and formative assessment practices
    • Employs reflective practices and modifies methods to meet the needs of learners
    • Consistently incorporates curriculum design practices that demonstrate the nature of teaching based on heart and integrity
    • Designs and effectively utilizes a teacher platform
    • Creates and implements a major unit using all five dimensions of learning
  • History of American Education
    • Reports on current research trends in education
    • Follows all local, state, and federal guidelines
    • Consistently models the role of teachers and the law
    • Demonstrates knowledge of the basic framework of Title l and Head Start programs
    • Completes study of the role of teacher unions
    • Demonstrates knowledge of a wide variety of school choice options
    • Identifies the topic of the academic achievement gap and makes plans to limit disparities in the classroom
    • Incorporates strategies to promote gender equity in the classroom and activities
    • Designs a communication plan to demonstrate knowledge of academic freedom responsibilities
  • Foundations of Literacy
    • Incorporates the process of reading as a message getting/problem solving activity
    • Aligns instruction to the K-12 Continuum of Literacy Development
    • Designs lessons and applies Guided Reading approaches at all levels
    • Designs lessons that utilize Close Reading strategies
    • Utilizes methods that incorporate whole to part approaches to reading instruction
    • Interprets assessment for all levels
    • Utilizes strategies to promote vocabulary, effective reading of texts and study skills
    • Adjusts instruction based on case studies with analysis at all levels
  • Teaching Exceptional Learners
    • Follows IDEA Principles and ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act
    • Uses knowledge of FERPA and FAPE to inform instruction
    • Follows special education referral process-testing and identification
    • Uses knowledge of the Continuum of Special Education services to inform instruction
    • Achieves a Behavioral Health Professional certification
  • Equity and Diversity
    • Designs and delivers instruction to address culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds of students
    • Creates instructional practices that promote gender equity in the classroom
    • Develops lesson plans to address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students
  • Assessment
    • Designs and implements assessment that drives curriculum and instruction
    • Uses both formative and summative assessment strategies to evaluate learning
    • Delivers and interprets various assessments in Reading using the Observation Survey
    • Utilizes and interprets the various assessments that are used in the referral process in Special Education
    • Applies Behavior Rating Scales in special education evaluation
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