BHP certification, CPR/First Aid and BB Pathogens trainings
Intro. to Education, School and Community
"Science of" Series-Science of Self-Care & Compassion Fatigue-impacts on self
"Science of" Series-Science of Poverty-impacts on society
"Science of" Series-Science of Trauma-impacts on society
"Science of" Series-Science of Substance Use Disorder-impacts on society
Behavioral Management Techniques
Intro. to Trauma Schools and Communities
Best Practices for Trauma Informed Educational Environments
Diversity and Social Justice-No Equity Detours in the Classroom
Child and Adolescent Development
New Class: Teaching the Exceptional Child
On-the-job training
Monthly OJT Hours
Knowledge of Student Learners
Shows understanding of students as learners as well as people through observation of a single student a minimum of four times through the application of a checklist addressing each developmental domain, noting impressions and reflections and generating a child profile to share with parents
Knows strategies to create and sustain a comfortable and safe environment for learning and create a written description of the setting including schedule, duties and room arrangement
Define with examples the importance of reflective practice and generates reflection short essays regarding prior learning, discipline, health and safety, curriculum and ethical practice.
Define the nature of teaching as it relates to developing relationships with integrity and how that informs work with students
Learning Environment
Demonstrate best practices in applying instructional methods and describe a teaching activity involving reading in which knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Practice guided the activity
Identify and practice various engagement strategies including writing and distributing to parents of students a letter of introduction of yourself
Demonstrate knowledge of group work and discussions, held in a safe and supportive environment, including planning and executing a literacy activity involving reading out loud to students and reflect on lesson
Understand and practice the five major Philosophies of Education
Apply Constructivism within instructional methods as a theory of learning
Demonstrate understanding and apply Assessments of and for learning
Apply summative and formative assessment practices
Employ reflective practices through participation in at least three planning sessions with staff members
Utilize an approach incorporating the nature of teaching-heart and integrity
Develop and utilize a teacher platform
Development of a major unit using all five dimensions of learning
Foundations of Literacy
Understand the process of reading as a message getting/problem solving activity
Understand the K-12 Continuum of Literacy Development
Apply Guided Reading approaches-all levels
Utilize “Close” reading strategies
Understand whole to part approaches to reading instruction
Interpret assessment for all levels: All parts of Observation Survey
Understand vocabulary-effective reading of texts and study skills
Interpret case studies with analysis at all levels
Teaching Exceptional Learners
Understand IDEA Principles and ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act
Demonstrate knowledge of FERPA and FAPE
Understand special education referral process-testing and identification
Be familiar with the continuum of Special Education services
Holds a Behavioral Health Professional certification
Equity and Diversity
Can recognize and impart instruction to address culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds of students
Able to maintain practices that promote gender equity in the classroom
Using relevant case studies, can develop lesson plans to address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students
Understand that assessment drives curriculum and instruction
Understands and uses both formative and summative assessment strategies: assessment of and for learning
Understands various assessments in Reading: all parts of Observation Survey
Understands the various assessments that are used in the referral process in Special Education
Understands the use of Behavior Rating Scales in special education
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