A1. Operating standards - Implement center standards/daily routines and their interpretation for equine care, maintenance, and usage.
A2. Operating standards - Implement center standards/daily routines and their interpretation regarding the use of safety equipment and adaptive equipment.
A3. Operating standards - Condition and maintain program for therapeutic riding equine, including record keeping
A4. Operating standards - Implement centre standards/daily routines and their interpretations regarding student forms
B1. Record Keeping - Verify that the student forms are complete and updated for students the apprentice teaches
B2. Record Keeping - Interpret student forms and apply the information to the riding setting
B3. Record Keeping - Write and maintain progress notes on riders
B4. Record Keeping - Complete incident report as needed
B5. Record Keeping - Comply with confidentiality requirements regarding students
B6. Record Keeping - Self-evaluate instructional capabilities, facility environment, horse and personnel to determine riders who can be accepted as students.
B7. Record Keeping - Locate information regarding center and instructor certification and accreditation processes
C1. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Recognize signs and causes of negative equine behaviors (including/not limited to biting, kicking, and crowding personal space)
C2. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Utilize appropriate types of rewards for equine positive behaviors (including/not limited to release of pressure, verbal praise, or pats/rubs.)
C3. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Take appropriate actions to protect the safety of people and horses in dangerous situations (i.e. loose horse, misbehaving person, or horse)
C4. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Train to various needs of an EAS (Equine Assisted Services) program, such as: Leaders and sidewalkers; Assistive devices (such as ambulation devices and communication devices); Mounting equipment (such as ramps, blocks, and lifts); Game equipment; Mounting procedures; Dismounting equipment; Student behaviors
C5. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Utilize safe and respectful leading techniques for lessons, such as: At the walk and trot; Through turns; Through transitions; Backing; Mounting and dismounting; During rider postural adjustments
C6. Horse Behaviors/Handling - Safely lunge a horse in a circle on a lunge line at the walk, trot and canter, including but not limited to: Halt of the equine on a lunge line: Selection of lungeing equipment; A safety check for equipment fit to equine prior to lungeing; Safe use of lungeing equipment; Safe positioning of horse handler ini relation to horse during lungeing; Safe management of the lunge line and whip during lungeing; Halt of the equine on a lunge line; Safe change of direction of an equine on a lunge line.
D1. Barn Management - Use horse manure handling methods for sanitary conditions of stall and turn out areas.
D2. Barn Management - Safely turnout a horse into a stall, pen, or field
E1. Horse Health/Soundness - Take TPR (temperature, pulse, respiration) of horse
E2. Horse Health/Soundness - Recognize when a horse is unsound and how it may impact equine behavior and inform supervisor
F1. Grooming - Use grooming tools, such as a: Curry comb; Hard/dandy brush; Soft/body brush; Hoof pick; Mane/tail comb; Shedding blade; Sponge; Sweat scraper
F2. Grooming - Use appropriate bathing treatment for skin and muscle soreness (i.e. fungicide, liniment, medicated bath)
F3. Grooming - Cool down a horse following a work session including the use of liniments
F4. Grooming - Clip bridle path and fetlocks
G1. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly fit bell boots
G2. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly fit split and ankle boots
G3. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly fit hoof boots
G4. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly fit exercise boots/wraps
G5. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly fit safety stirrups and safety helmets to rider
G6. Horse Tack and Equipment - Correctly tack a horse
G7. Horse Tack and Equipment - Clean, care, and maintain tack
G8. Horse Tack and Equipment - Tie safety knots
H1. Selection of Equipment - Select and evaluate equipment needs for rider and horse (saddle, bridle, and reins), based on how the equipment affects the horse and the rider
H2. Selection of Equipment - Select and evaluate equipment needs to long-line and to lunge a horse
H3. Selection of Equipment - Fit and adjust a saddle to maintain the safety and well-being of the horse and rider
H4. Selection of Equipment - Fit and adjust a surcingle to maintain the safety and well-being of the horse and rider
I1. Riding: Mounting and Dismounting - Check equipment prior to and after mounting
I2. Riding: Mounting and Dismounting - Adjust stirrup prior to and after mounting
I3. Riding: Mounting and Dismounting - Use safe and effective body mechanics during mounting and dismounting from the ground or a block/ramp
J1. Riding: Walk - Ride with a secure seat including correct position, posture, and alignment
J2. Riding: Walk - Ride free walk and working walk
J3. Riding: Walk - Ride two-point position over poles
J4. Riding: Walk - Shorten and lengthen reins.
J5. Riding: Walk - Lengthen and shorten the stride
J6. Riding: Walk - Ride with different degrees of contact
J7. Riding: Walk - Maintain straightness of the horse
J8. Riding: Walk - Effectively maintain control of the horse
J9. Riding: Walk - Ride transitions of walk to halt and halt to walk
J10. Riding: Walk - Effectively use rein aids
J11. Riding: Walk - Effectively use legs aids
J12. Riding: Walk - Effectively use seat aids
J13. Riding: Walk - Effectively use weight aids
J14. Riding: Walk - Effectively use voice aids
J15. Riding: Walk - Effectively use crop/whip aids
J16. Riding: Walk - Execute leg yield
J17. Riding: Walk - Bend a horse through corners and on circles.
J18. Riding: Walk - Execute half halt/check
J19. Riding: Walk - Ride without stirrups
J20. Riding: Walk - Ride suppling exercises for the horse
K1. Riding: Trot - Ride with a secure seat with correct position, posture, and alignment
K2. Riding: Trot - Ride sitting trot
K3. Riding: Trot - Ride posting trot, including correct diagonal
K4. Riding: Trot - Ride two-point over ground poles
K5. Riding: Trot - Shorten and lengthen reins
K6. Riding: Trot - Execute change of diagonals
K7. Riding: Trot - Lengthen and shorten the stride
K8. Riding: Trot - Ride with different degrees of contact
K9. Riding: Trot - Maintain straightness of the horse
K10. Riding: Trot - Effectively maintain control of the horse
K11. Riding: Trot - Ride transitions from walk to trot and trot to walk
K12. Riding: Trot - Ride transition from trot to halt through the walk
K13. Riding: Trot - Effectively use rein aids
K14. Riding: Trot - Effectively use legs aids
K15. Riding: Trot - Effectively use seat aids
K16. Riding: Trot - Effectively use weight aids
K17. Riding: Trot - Effectively use voice aids
K18. Riding: Trot - Effectively use crop/whip aids
K19. Riding: Trot - Execute leg yield
K20. Riding: Trot - Bend a horse through corners and on circles.
K21. Riding: Trot - Execute half halt/check
K22. Riding: Trot - Ride without stirrups at the sitting trot
K23. Riding: Trot - Ride suppling exercises for the horse
L1. Riding: Canter - Ride with a secure seat with correct position, posture, and alignment
L2. Riding: Canter - Correct lead
L3. Riding: Canter - Shorten and lengthen reins.
L4. Riding: Canter - Ride with different degrees of contact
L5. Riding: Canter - Maintain straightness of the equine
L6. Riding: Canter - Effective control of the horse
L7. Riding: Canter - Ride transition from canter to walk through the trot
L8. Riding: Canter - Ride transition from walk to canter
L9. Riding: Canter - Ride transitions from trot to canter and canter to trot
L10. Riding: Canter - Effectively use rein aids
L11. Riding: Canter - Effectively use legs aids
L12. Riding: Canter - Effectively use seat aids
L13. Riding: Canter - Effectively use weight aids
L14. Riding: Canter - Effectively use voice aids
L15. Riding: Canter - Effectively use crop/whip aids
L16. Riding: Canter - Bend a horse through corners and on circles
L17. Riding: Canter - Execute half halt/check
L18. Riding: Canter - Execute simple change of lead through the trot
L19. Riding: Canter - Ride suppling exercises for the horse
M1. Riding: Misc - Warm up the horse prior to a work session
M2. Riding: Misc - Execute ring figures, such as: various changes of rein; half circles; circles; serpentines; figure eights; spirals
M3. Riding: Misc - Design and set up of obstacle course.
M4. Riding: Misc - Properly space ground poles.
Teaching Competencies: Typical Lessons (TL)
A1. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Assess the participant’s skills, goals, and objectives
A2. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Develop a lesson plan to address individual riding goals and objectives
A3. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Prepare a group lesson plan that teaches all students as a group, but still addresses individual needs
A4. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Select activities and skills suitable for the objective of the lesson
A5. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Utilize individual planning tools such as Individual Education Plan (IEP), ISP, etc. if applicable
A6. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Organize the lesson sequence to progress skills in a logical sequence
A7. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Implement center standards and their interpretation regarding lesson area
A8. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Select horse for individual riders according to rider’s behavior, riding skill and riding goals
A9. (TL) Lesson Preparation - Select horse for individual riders according to equine’s movement quality, temperament, height, size
B1. (TL) Horsemanship Preparation and Safety - Orientate student to facility (i.e. stable rules and safety rules)
B2. (TL) Horsemanship Preparation and Safety - Instruct grooming and tacking
B3. (TL) Horsemanship Preparation and Safety - Instruct tying of safety knot
B4. (TL) Horsemanship Preparation and Safety - Instruct haltering and leading
G14. (AL) Miscellaneous Teaching Competencies - Provide effective support for the rider as a sidewalker
H1. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Adapt teaching strategies as needed during lesson
H2. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Teach to the level of students’ emotional learning and physical and cognitive ability
H3. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Fairly and consistently apply standards of student behavior
H4. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Progress student towards independence
H5. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Effectively use volunteers during lesson
H6. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Create/select appropriate games and exercises
H7. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Provide appropriate and effective feedback to the rider
H8. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Adapt and correct equipment during lesson
H9. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Provide “what’s“, “how’s”, and “why’s” to the student rider
H10. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Maintain control of class
H11. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Use safe spacing and procedures
H12. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Effectively use communication techniques, including clear and concise instructions
H13. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Address different learning styles of riders, including auditory, kinesthetic, and visual
H14. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Develop and manage effective instructional team, including the instructor, support professionals, horse handlers, sidewalkers, family, and the student.
H15. (AL) Teaching Strategies and Methods - Determine rider placement, within a group lesson, according to disability, age, size, and skill/ability
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