Farm Manager, Vegetable Production (Cohort 1)

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 11-9013.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Crop Production
  • Soil Health
  • Ecologically Based Pest Management
  • Equipment and Machinery
  • Business Management & Marketing
  • Social Implications of Ag Systems
  • Seasonal Extension
  • Post-Harvest Handling and Crop Quality
On-the-job Training
  • Crop Production
    • Crop Planning - Assess site (e.g. map and analyze soils, topography, water, drainage, infrastructure, climate and microclimates)
    • Crop Planning - Understand a crop plan
    • Crop Planning - Understand crop planting schedule and record keeping system
    • Crop Planning - Understand how to design field layout (e.g., succession planting, crop rotation, roads and walkways, borders
    • Crop Planning - Review pest and weed management options
    • Crop Planning - Understand how to order field supplies (e.g. labels, stakes, trellises, twine)
    • Crop Planning - Consult the field plan
    • Crop Planning - Keep record of change to field plan
    • Variety Selection - Understand how to select varieties appropriate to climate, pest pressure
    • Variety Selection - Understand where to seek resources about emerging or high performing varieties
    • Variety Selection - Observe how varieties perform under varying climatic conditions
    • Variety Selection - Analyze the performance of different crop varieties for selecting varieties for future seasons
    • Transplanting - Learn where/how to acquire transplants
    • Transplanting - Transplant crops
    • Transplanting - Plant bulbs/tubers
    • Transplanting - Irrigate transplants
    • Transplanting - Record transplant planting
    • Direct Seeding - Sow vegetable seeds in fields
    • Direct Seeding - Irrigate seeds
    • Direct Seeding - Record seedling planting
    • Direct Seeding - Replant or reseed failed plants
    • Greenhouse Management - Seed vegetable crop into trays
    • Greenhouse Management - Prepare greenhouse-growing media
    • Greenhouse Management - Harden off seedlings
    • Greenhouse Management - Pot up seedlings
    • Greenhouse Management - Maintain seedling fertility
    • Greenhouse Management - Monitor seedling development
    • Greenhouse Management - Assess germination and seedling growth
    • Propagation - Understand functions of different types of propagation facilities (heated vs passive solar greenhouses, high tunnels, etc)
    • Propagation - Understand greenhouse seeding calendar and schedule
    • Propagation - Select appropriate growing containers to seed/propagate plants
    • Propagation - Prepare propagation medium mixes
    • Propagation - Start seeds in containers
    • Irrigation - Understand benefits of different irrigation systems
    • Irrigation - Irrigate for conservation
    • Irrigation - Understand reasons for irrigation
    • Irrigation - Learn methods of determining the proper frequency of irrigation
    • Irrigation - Examine various system designs and delivery methods and investigate advantages and disadvantages
    • Irrigation - Recognize signs and effects of water stress
    • Irrigation - Assess soil moisture and irrigation needs in planted beds
    • Irrigation - Set up irrigation system
    • Irrigation - Understand irrigation schedule
    • Irrigation - Keep good records of irrigation activity
    • Field Prep - Lay out beds
    • Field Prep - Prepare seedbeds
    • Field Prep - Shape beds
    • Field Prep - Lay plastic mulch or landscape fabric
    • Field Management - Assess weather conditions
    • Field Management - Assess field conditions and plant health
    • Field Management - Prepare equipment, supplies, seeds and transplants
    • Field Management - Construct and install plant supports
    • Field Management - Assess plant health
    • Field Management - Determine plant needs based on harvest goals
    • Field Management - Mulch crops
    • Field Management - Prune plants
    • Field Management - Thin plants
    • Field Management - Hill plants
    • Field Management - Train plants
    • Field Management - Irrigate plants
    • Field Management - Keep good field records (e.g. planting and harvest dates, inputs, yields, crop health)
    • Harvesting - Assess plant maturity for harvest
    • Harvesting - Project yield
    • Harvesting - Determine harvest requirements
    • Harvesting - Prepare harvesting equipment and supplies
    • Harvesting - Understand the requirements and implications of food safety
    • Harvesting - Properly handle harvest aids (e.g., knives, buckets, scissors)
    • Harvesting - Harvest crop to farm standards
    • Harvesting - Bunch harvested produce
    • Harvesting - Field pack crops
    • Harvesting - Provide sun protection to harvested crops
    • Harvesting - Transport crop to processing facility
  • Soil Health
    • Reading & interpreting soil test reports - Prepare soil samples for testing
    • Reading & interpreting soil test reports - Understand why and how to take soil samples, what to test for and what to do with the results
    • Reading & interpreting soil test reports - Read and interpret soil test results
    • Small-scale no till - Assess appropriate crops/cover crops for no-till system
    • Small-scale no till - Assess seeding and transplanting for no-till beds
    • Small-scale no till - Apply tarps
    • Mechanical cultivation - Understand the term conservation tillage
    • Mechanical cultivation - Observe primary tillage
    • Mechanical cultivation - Perform mechanical cultivation for weed pressure
    • Mechanical cultivation - Incorporate cover crop
    • Mechanical cultivation - Cultivate/prepare beds with mechanical implements
    • Soil Biology and Ecology - Understand biological properties of soils
    • Soil Biology and Ecology - Understand value of buffer strips
    • Soil Biology and Ecology - Understand soil characteristics and how they affect crop growth
    • Soil Biology and Ecology - Understand how managing for healthy soil ecosystems can increase fertility and impact sustainable crop production
    • Soil Chemistry & Fertility - Understand the chemical properties of soils
    • Soil Chemistry & Fertility - Select and acquire soil amendments
    • Soil Chemistry & Fertility - Understand farm fertility program and record keeping system
    • Soil Chemistry & Fertility - Understand fundamentals of managing soil pH
    • Soil Chemistry & Fertility - Perform side dressing and/or foliar feeding
    • Soil Physical Properties - Classify soil texture and type
    • Soil Physical Properties - Prevent soil and nutrient loss
    • Soil Physical Properties - Understand how soils form
    • Soil Physical Properties - Assess appropriate soil moisture levels for tillage
    • Soil Quality Assessment - Assess soil capacity to retain and drain water
    • Soil Quality Assessment - Assess soil structure: clumping, crusting etc
    • Soil Quality Assessment - Assess weeds/plants as indicator of water flow, nutrients
    • Cover Crops - Select cover crop varieties and combinations
    • Cover Crops - Seed cover crop
    • Cover Crops - Mow cover crop
    • Cover Crops - Terminate cover crop
    • Crop Rotation - Understand how crop rotation impacts soil health
    • Crop Rotation - Assess crop rotation plan related to soil health
    • Compost - Build and maintain compost piles
    • Compost - Understand value of crop residue as conservation practice
    • Compost - Apply compost
    • Compost - Incorporate crop residue into soil
  • Ecologically-Based Pest Management (weeds, insects, diseases)
    • Beneficial Insects - Understand the properties/attributes of beneficial insects
    • Beneficial Insects - Identify common beneficial insects at all life stages
    • Beneficial Insects - Release beneficial insects
    • Natural Habit Management - Understand how to make wildlife habitat improvements
    • Natural Habit Management - Understand value of field borders
    • Natural Habit Management - Understand methods of waterway protection
    • Natural Habit Management - Examine whole-farm system from an ecological perspective
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Assess insect pests pressure, e.g. potential or actual
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Scouting
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Identify common insect pests
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Perform preventative insect pest measures
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Evaluate pest damage
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Implement cultural control methods for insect pests (selecting varieties, crop rotation, planting time)
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Implement physical control methods for insect pests (e.g. row cover, picking pests off, traps)
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Implement biological insect control method (e.g. spraying)
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Evaluate efficacy of insect pest control method
    • Managing Arthropod Pests - Record control treatment
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Assess disease pressure, e.g. potential or actual
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Identify common diseases
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Implement cultural control methods for disease prevention (plant spacing, trellising)
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Implement physical control methods for disease prevention (e.g. pruning, mulching)
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Implement biological disease control methods (e.g. improving soil health, increasing beneficial microbial activity in soil)
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Evaluate disease damage
    • Managing Plant Diseases - Evaluate efficacy of disease control method
    • Weed Management - Prevent weed and weed seed formation
    • Weed Management - Assess weed pressure, potential or actual
    • Weed Management - Evaluate weed damage
    • Weed Management - Identify weeds
    • Weed Management - Determine weeding method
    • Weed Management - Perform non-mechanical weeding (hand weeding)
    • Weed Management - Perform mechanical cultivation (walk behind tractor, tractor implement)
    • Weed Management - Implement cultural control methods for weed management (mulching, plant spacing)
    • Weed Management - Implement physical control methods for weed management (e.g. flaming, hoeing, pulling, mulching)
    • Weed Management - Implement biological control method for weed management (e.g. livestock, cover crops for smothering weeds)
    • Weed Management - Perform mulching
    • Intercropping - Understand the principles of intercropping
    • Intercropping - Understand different companion planting configurations
    • Intercropping - Select crops for intercropping in field
    • Intercropping - Assess effects of intercropping on each crop's productivity and health
  • Equipment and Machinery
    • Proper Selection Of Tool For Task - Select proper tools for the task
    • Proper Use of the Tool - Use tools safely
    • Maintain Tools - Store tools, equipment and supplies (e.g. safely, in good order)
    • Maintain Tools - Sharpen, clean, store tools during non-production time
    • Maintain Equipment - Inspect production equipment
    • Maintain Equipment - Establish preventive maintenance schedule for equipment
    • Maintain Equipment - Establish parts inventory
    • Maintain Equipment - Perform routine equipment service (e.g. sharpening blades, changing oil, greasing equipment, cleaning tractor)
    • Maintain Equipment - Repair production equipment
    • Maintain Equipment - Clean production equipment
    • Manage Supplies - Understand farm supply inventory system
    • Maintain Farm Infrastructure - Put up and maintain electric fence
    • Maintain Farm Infrastructure - Understand operations and maintenance of cold storage infrastructure
    • Maintain Farm Infrastructure - Understand operations and maintenance of wells/irrigation infrastructure
    • Maintain Farm Infrastructure - Maintain barns/sheds in good working condition
    • Tractor Safety - the basic functions, safety features, and operations of a tractor and its implements
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Understand basic tractor implements and their use: plows, tillers, cultivation, transplanting, fertilizing & irrigation
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Understand impact of tractor implements on soil health (biological life, tilth)
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Understand basic tractor maintenance (Engine oil coolant; Fuel; Hydraulic fluid; tire and wheel properly maintained, battery maintained, hose conditions)
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Understand the basic principles of bed and field layout related to tractor implements and tool specifications
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Safely hitch implements
    • Tractor Use and Maintenance - Safely drive tractor using basic tractor implements (plow, cultivator, bed maker)
    • Irrigation Systems - Understand the basic concept of when to use: overhead, drip, furrow, hand watering in farming systems
    • Irrigation Systems - Understand the basic equipment for irrigation systems including pumps, wells, sprinkler heads, tubing, and emitters
    • Irrigation Systems - Understand the basic setup considerations for irrigation system including placement of sprinklers, drip tape, furrows etc
    • Irrigation Systems - Set up driplines in bed
    • Irrigation Systems - Set up driplines to header pipes
    • Irrigation Systems - Set up layflat, header pipes to pump/water source
    • Irrigation Systems - Operate a pump for field irrigation
    • Irrigation Systems - Perform pump maintenance (priming, foot valves, flushing)
    • Irrigation Systems - Set up overhead sprinklers including moving and connecting pipes
  • Business Management & Marketing
    • Farm Enterprises - Determine potential of farm enterprises
    • Farm Enterprises - Assess overall needs (e.g. physical, capital, human; skills, experience, time, land, equipment, profitability)
    • Farm Enterprises - Assess available resources for farm success (e.g. physical, capital, human; skills, experience, time, land, equipment, profitability)
    • Farm Enterprises - Conduct market research and competitive analysis (e.g. research potential competition, markets, customers, and strate.g.ies)
    • Farm Enterprises - Set prices for products
    • Farm Enterprises - Collect enterprise feedback from customers
    • Farm Enterprises - Read customer surveys and feedback
    • Farm Budget - Understand farm budget and know how to read profit and loss statements
    • Farm Budget - Prepare enterprise budgets
    • Farm Budget - Understand how to maintain operating budget
    • Employee & Labor Management - Assess personal management style
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand farm labor plan
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand how to write job descriptions
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand how to recruit labor
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand labor policies and procedures
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand how to develop staff work schedule
    • Employee & Labor Management - Assign daily tasks
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand how to train farm workers (e.g. fieldwork, efficiency, equipment safety and personal care)
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand different management techniques to supervise farm workers
    • Employee & Labor Management - Understand how to evaluate staff work performance
    • Employee & Labor Management - Conduct staff meetings
    • Financial Management - Understand financial plan (e.g. annual budget, expense and sales forecasts, cash flow projections, break even analysis, capitalization plan)
    • Financial Management - Understand needed insurance policies
    • Financial Management - Process invoices
    • Financial Management - Prepare bank deposits
    • Financial Management - Proces reimbursements
    • Financial Management - Understand how to process payroll
    • Who Should You Know? - Understand what an FSA agent offers a farm operation
    • Who Should You Know? - Understand what Extension Agents offer a farm operation
    • Who Should You Know? - Understand what CFSA Farm Services staff offer a farm operation
    • Who Should You Know? - Understand what NRCS Agent offers a farm operation
    • Marketing - Understand basic concepts of marketing plan
    • Marketing - Identify customers and target market
    • Marketing - Knowledge of different marketing channels and how to set-up business accordingly: direct-to-consumer (farmers markets, CSA), working with food hub/purchaser (intermediate); wholesale; agritourism
    • Marketing - Perform market inventory
    • Marketing - Understand the concept and potential benefits of agritourism
    • Marketing - Manage market activities for at least one market channel
    • Online Marketing - Understand how to develop brand and logo
    • Online Marketing - Plan for social networking presence
    • Online Marketing - Understand an online marketing plan
    • Online Marketing - Use of online marketing platforms including CSA software, social media platforms, POS software
    • Online Marketing - Maintain website
    • Online Marketing - Maintain email/contact database
    • Online Marketing - Create and post social media content
    • Online Marketing - Update product listing and prices
    • Certifications - Knowledge of GAP and how certification is achieved
    • Certifications - Understand what is Certified Organic Farm status and how certification is achieved
    • Certifications - Understand alternative certification programs including Naturally Certified Grown, Biodynamic etc
    • Certifications - Knowledge of how to participate in emergency food programs (e.g. SNAP at farmers market)
  • Social Implications of Ag Systems
    • Development of US Agriculture - Understand the history and current implications of the colonization of US lands for native peoples
    • Development of US Agriculture - Understand the historic roots of and current implications of slavery in US agriculture
    • Development of US Agriculture - Understanding the history of farmworker rights and movements in US agriculture
    • Development of US Agriculture - Understand the history of development of conventional agriculture as it relates to fuel, chemical inputs, seed patents etc and environmental implications
    • Environmental Issues in Modern Agriculture - Understand the methods associated with and social roots of the term: organic, sustainable agriculture, permaculture, biodynamics, resilient agriculture, resilient ag, climate smart ag
    • Environmental Issues in Modern Agriculture -Understand the term "regenerative ag", its tenets and relation to indigenous practices of agriculture
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Awareness of community networks, organizations, and dynamics where the farm is located
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Understand the social and economic motivators and outcomes of hosting events for farmer and farm
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Understand the social and economic motivators and outcomes of participating in community organizations and events for the farmer and farm
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Create schedules that reflect personal desire for wellbeing including time off farm, personal relationships, non farming activities during the agricultural season
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Awareness of local businesses that support the farming community
    • Nourish Family & Community Relations - Cooperative relationships with other farmers, businesses, and organizations
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand systemic racism for BIPOC farmers related to US governmental programs and agencies (e.g. USDA, EPA)
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand systemic racism for BIPOC farmers related to land access
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the land back movement
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the meaning of terms: hunger, food security, food desert and apartheid, food sovereignty
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Ability to articulate the elements of a community food system
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand injustices and labor movements of US farmworkers (CIW)
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand how local and regional food systems contribute to resilience in an emergency (COVID-19) and overall
    • Social Justice in Agriculture - Understand concepts of US emergency food system including government (SNAP) and community programs (food pantries)
  • Season Extension
    • Tunnel Production - Understand how to install high and/or low tunnels
    • Tunnel Production - Understand the different properties of tunnel plastics
    • Tunnel Production - Understand the proper placement of tunnels
    • Tunnel Production - Understand the costs and benefits of tunnels
    • Tunnel Production - Establish beds in tunnel
    • Tunnel Production - Soil management in tunnel
    • Tunnel Production - Perform pest management in high tunnels
    • Tunnel Production - Manage temperature/climate in high tunnels
    • Variety Selection - Select varieties that are best suited for each season
    • Variety Selection - Time planting of crops and varieties suitable for each season
    • Variety Selection - Evaluate what worked and didn't to improve crop planning in following season
    • Row Covers - Understand different characteristics and uses of row cover
    • Row Covers - Understand different models of hoops for placing row cover
    • Row Covers - Understand conditions that warrant the use or not of row cover
    • Row Covers - Store row cover for long-term use
    • Mulching - Select and evaluate mulch properties and uses
    • Mulching - Lay down landscape fabric for season extension
    • Mulching - Lay down black/white plastic on beds for season extension
    • Mulching - Apply organic mulches for season extension/capture warmth
    • Mulching - Remove and store landscape fabric
    • Mulching - Remove and dispose of black plastic
    • Shade Protection - Select shade cloth for season extension
    • Shade Protection - Install shade cloth for season extension
  • Post Harvest Handling & Crop Quality
    • Food Safety - Certified in safe food handling
    • Food Safety - Conduct safe food handling of vegetables post harvest
    • Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Clean crop
    • Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Cool crop
    • Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Sort crop
    • Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Grade crop
    • Post Harvest Handling & Quality - Record crop harvest
    • Packing - Label crop
    • Packing - Determine packing order
    • Packing - Pack product
    • Storage - Store crop in appropriate box/container
    • Storage - Store crop in appropriate temperature (e.g. cooler, warehouse)
    • Storage - Cure crop
    • Storage - Store crop in appropriate temperatures for longevity
    • Shipping & Delivery - Load products
    • Shipping & Delivery - Establish delivery times and pickup points
    • Shipping & Delivery - Determine packing order
    • Shipping & Delivery - Total sales
    • Shipping & Delivery - Maintain return inventory
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