Basic Safety (Construction Site Safety Orientation)
Introduction to Construction Math
Introduction to Hand Tools
Introduction to Power Tools
Introduction to Construction Drawings
Introduction to Basic Rigging (Elective)
Basic Communication Skills
Basic Employability Skills
Introduction to Materials Handling
Pipe Hangers and Supports
Underground Pipe Installation
Socket-Weld Pipe Fabrication
Motorized Equipment Two
Introduction to Basic Rigging
Threaded Pipe Fabrication
Pipefitting Trade Math
Introduction to Aboveground Pipe Installation
Standards and Specifications
Orientation to the Pipefitting Craft
Pipefitting Power Tools
Field Routing and Vessel Trim
Pipefitting Hand Tools
Advanced Trade Math
Oxyfuel Cutting
Rigging Practices
Ladders and Scaffolds
Motorized Equipment One
Drawings and Detail Sheets
Piping Systems
Identifying and Installing Valves
Testing Piping Systems and Equipment
Butt-Weld Pipe Fabrication
On-the-job training
Install plumbing or piping.
Install underground storm, sanitary, or water piping systems, extending piping as needed to connect fixtures and plumbing.
Assemble pipe sections, tubing, or fittings, using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, cement, plastic solvent, caulking, or soldering, brazing, or welding equipment.
Install pipe assemblies, fittings, valves, appliances such as dishwashers or water heaters, or fixtures such as sinks or toilets, using hand or power tools.
Anchor steel supports from ceiling joists to hold pipes in place.
Attach pipes to walls, structures, or fixtures, such as radiators or tanks, using brackets, clamps, tools, or welding equipment.
Install pipe systems to support alternative energy-fueled systems, such as geothermal heating or cooling systems.
Maintain plumbing structures or fixtures.
Shut off steam, water, or other gases or liquids from pipe sections, using valve keys or wrenches.
Modify, clean, or maintain pipe systems, units, fittings, or related machines or equipment, using hand or power tools.
Maintain or repair plumbing by replacing defective washers, replacing or mending broken pipes, or opening clogged drains.
Weld metal components.
Assemble pipe sections, tubing, or fittings, using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, cement, plastic solvent, caulking, or soldering, brazing, or welding equipment.
Weld small pipes or special piping, using specialized techniques, equipment, or materials, such as computer-assisted welding or microchip fabrication.
Mark reference points on construction materials.
Locate and mark the position of pipe installations, connections, passage holes, or fixtures in structures, using measuring instruments such as rulers or levels.
Measure materials or objects for installation or assembly.
Create construction or installation diagrams
Lay out full scale drawings of pipe systems, supports, or related equipment, according to blueprints.
Cut metal components for installation.
Cut, thread, or hammer pipes to specifications, using tools such as saws, cutting torches, pipe threaders, or pipe benders.
Fabricate parts or components.
Plan layout of construction, installation, or repairs.
Plan pipe system layout, installation, or repair, according to specifications.
Inspect plumbing systems or fixtures.
Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks.
Inspect, examine, or test installed systems or pipelines, using pressure gauge, hydrostatic testing, observation, or other methods.
Review blueprints or specifications to determine work requirements.
Review blueprints, building codes, or specifications to determine work details or procedures.
Select construction materials.
Select pipe sizes, types, or related materials, such as supports, hangers, or hydraulic cylinders, according to specifications.
Direct construction or extraction personnel.
Direct helpers engaged in pipe cutting, preassembly, or installation of plumbing systems or components
Clean equipment or facilities.
Estimate construction project costs.
Estimate time, material, or labor costs for use in project plans
Estimate construction project labor requirements.
Install gauges or controls.
Install automatic controls to regulate pipe systems.
Record operational or environmental data.
Keep records of work assignments.
Inspect work sites to determine condition or necessary repairs.
Inspect structures to assess material or equipment needs, to establish the sequence of pipe installations, or to plan installation around obstructions, such as electrical wiring.
Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Repair or remove and replace system components.
Repair hydraulic or air pumps.
Remove parts or components from equipment.
Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Cut openings in existing structures.
Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes or pipe fittings, using hand or power tools.
Inspect work sites to identify potential environmental or safety hazards.
Inspect work sites for obstructions or holes that could cause structural weakness.
Install green plumbing or water handling systems.
Install green plumbing equipment, such as faucet flow restrictors, dual-flush or pressure-assisted flush toilets, or tankless hot water heaters.
Install fixtures, appliances, or equipment designed to reduce water or energy consumption.
Operate pumps or compressors.
Operate motorized pumps to remove water from flooded manholes, basements, or facility floors.
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