Site Supervisor - 2022

ONET: 25-2011.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Child/Human Growth and Development
  • Child-Family-Community / Child-Family Relations
  • Observation, Screening, Assessment and Documentation
  • Health, Safety and Nutrition
  • Culture, Diversity and Equity
  • Supervised Field Experience (Must take EAR-30 or EAR-41)
  • Program / Curriculum (Must take EAR-24 or EAR-28)
On-the-job training
  • Understand and Encourages Child Development and Learning
    • Describes major developmental milestones for children from conception through adolescence in the areas of physical, psychosocial, cognitive and language development.
    • Observes, assess and document children in natural settings to enhance the study of child development.
    • Analyze how cultural, economic, political, and historical contexts affect children’s development.
  • Appreciates and Honors Culture, Diversity and Equity
    • Embraces each child’s culture and sees it as an asset.
    • Understands the importance of providing a learning environment that is welcoming for all families.
    • Adheres to families’ culturally based communication practices. Implements concepts of intercultural communication, including nonverbal communication.
    • Applies skills and knowledge gained from orientation sessions to communicate respectfully with all families.
    • Uses knowledge of children’s cultural and linguistic backgrounds and experiences to facilitate interactions and learning.
    • Models the implementation of inclusive communication and practices to engage colleagues, children, and families.
  • Recognizes the Significance of Relationships, Interactions and Guidance.
    • Plans opportunities that support children’s understanding of emotions and allows children to respond to the emotions of others, as developmentally appropriate.
    • Oversees day-to-day transitions with sensitivity to each child’s responses to separation or transitions. Works with families and staff to develop ways to support children during transitions.
    • Works with staff and colleagues to plan a positive social–emotional climate in the learning environment based on the individual strengths and interests of the children in the group.
    • Leads staff in reflecting on and interpreting children’s expressions of emotions and on one’s own responses to them.
    • Plans strategies keeping in mind each child’s interests, culture, temperament, language, communication skills, and abilities.
    • Develops concrete strategies and activities to recognize children’s efforts, emphasizing the use of appropriate language to acknowledge, encourage, and reinforce achievement and success.
  • Understands and Fosters Family and Community Engagement.
    • Respects each family’s style and preferred methods of communication and interacts with families in a transparent, accountable manner.
    • Coordinates developmentally appropriate experiences to support children’s school readiness in all developmental domains, anticipating upcoming transitions to new programs or schools.
    • Supports families as decision makers for and educators of their children.
    • Ensure meaningful two-way collaboration, supporting the children’s learning and development and helping families to understand child development.
    • Demonstrates an understanding of risk factors related to family functioning and of how to support all families appropriately.
    • Plans curriculum and activities collaboratively with all families.
  • Understands and Supports Dual-Language Development.
    • Facilitates discussions and planning with staff and colleagues about implementation of specific programs for group settings.
    • Works with colleagues to create various opportunities for young dual-language learners and their families to participate in the group throughout the day.
    • Incorporates practices that honor the role of the home language as a vital foundation in English-language development.
    • Creates opportunities for young dual-language learners that promote literacy development in home language and English.
    • Shares assessment information about individual children with families.
    • Contributes to observation of young DLLs across a variety of settings or activities.
    • Demonstrates awareness of child’s home language.
    • Uses observations to inform interactions with children and the curriculum planning process.
  • Understands and Utilizes Observation, Screening, Assessment, and Documentation.
    • Conducts formal and informal observation of children across settings and over time.
    • Gathers observations to inform the planning process for individual children and the group.
    • Reviews results of screening and initiates discussions with staff, colleagues and families about universal or targeted screening.
    • Identifies the need for referrals based on observations.
    • Uses valid and reliable assessment tools.
    • Explains and follows protocols related to parental consent and confidentiality, and elicits input from families.
    • Initiates discussions with staff and colleagues about strategies for documentation and applies strategies to selection of samples, artifacts, or other information to include in documentation.
    • Plans developmentally appropriate opportunities for children to participate in documentation of their experiences.
    • Considers a variety of factors in the interpretation of observations, screening, documentation, and assessment data. Reflects with families, colleagues, and specialists on the meaning of individual results and data.
    • Synthesizes information gathered through the planning process in planning for individual children and for the group.
  • Recognizes Special Needs and Foster Inclusion
    • Recommends changes to program policies, as appropriate, to create a sense of belonging and full participation for children or adults with disabilities or other special needs.
    • Explains the principles of People First Language used to colleagues, families, and children, as developmentally appropriate.
    • Collaborates with families and service providers to provide multiple approaches to learning in order to meet the diverse needs of children in the learning environment.
    • Engages children with disabilities or other special needs as active participants in their own personal or health-care routines, as developmentally appropriate.
    • Initiates discussions with colleagues and families regarding inclusive practice and children’s development.
    • Understands the range of services available to children with disabilities or other special needs, the roles of service providers, and different models of support.
    • Identifies and addresses modifications in the facility and the learning environment to support children or adults with disabilities or other special needs.
    • Implements safe, effective use of adaptive equipment for children with disabilities or other special needs.
  • Creates Learning Environments; Plans and Implements Curriculum
    • Synthesizes information gathered through curriculum-planning process in planning for individual children and for the group.
    • Adapts indoor and outdoor environment, equipment, materials, activities, or experiences based on information gathered in the curriculum-planning process, preparing children as appropriate.
    • Adapts the environment as necessary to meet the interests and requirements of children in the group.
    • Plans the daily schedule to meet regulatory requirements and to support the learning and development of children.
    • Plans the daily schedule to incorporate a balance of child initiated play and exploration and adult-facilitated strategies.
    • Plans experiences that support infant/toddler learning and development in all domains.
  • Ensures Health, Safety and Good Nutrition
    • Identifies and addresses potential barriers to compliance with indoor and outdoor environmental health and safety policies and practices.
    • Adapts supervision to the overall setting and individual requirements of children.
    • Uses emergency equipment and supplies effectively and appropriately.
    • Implements emergency plans and assigns roles using systematic exchange of information with families, staff, and colleagues to ensure everyone is prepared to respond.
    • Facilitates and engages in discussions about healthful food choices and habits, taking into account individual family and cultural preferences.
    • Develops mealtime routines that support children’s learning and reflect family practices.
    • Conducts daily individual health checks for signs of illness or injury in children.
    • Communicates with families daily about children’s well-being.
    • Addresses concerns about child abuse or neglect according to regulation and law; refers concerns to supervisor(s) as necessary. Articulates the role of risk and protective factors related to child abuse or neglect.
    • Communicates with families about children’s physical activity experiences to help children develop new skills, build physical strength, and engage in playbased, structured, and spontaneous (child-initiated) physical activity.
    • Based, structured, and spontaneous (child-initiated) physical activity.
  • Develops and Demonstrates Professionalism
    • Uses reflective dialogue to identify an action plan for professional development.
    • Explores effective professional development and mentoring strategies to support professional development.
    • Engages in professional responsibilities and remains dedicated to the success of children, families, and the agency or program.
    • Contributes to a quality work environment by maintaining a professional, mutually supportive attitude with colleagues, children, and families.
    • Ensures that the children’s program integrates development and learning in all domains.
    • Articulates and models the program’s goals, philosophy, and objectives.
    • Promotes early education teaching strategies that address growth, development, and learning based on current evidence- based practice.
    • Understands that adult learning can take place in many formal and informal contexts.
    • Knows procedures to follow when a staff member or colleague has an accident, and applies strategies to prevent accidents from occurring.
    • Conducts regular in-service professional development for staff and colleagues on risk and injury prevention.
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(951) 222-8000
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