Digital Design Specialist

ONET: 27-1024.00






On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
  • New Hire Orientation
  • Company Policies and Procedures
  • Related Online Learning
  • Team / Production Meetings
  • Financial Literacy
  • Digital Marketing (Academic Certificate)
On-the-job training
  • Level 1 - Legal Requirements and Ethical Considerations
    • Define accessibility laws related to Web site design
    • Identify laws that regulate businesses and organizations in the design field and in media technology
    • Define the requirements of and protections given by copyright and trademark laws
    • Define the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other civil rights legislation on a business/organization, its employees, and its customers
    • Define ethical business practices for the design field and in media technology
    • Define plagiarism
    • Describe the role of integrity in various forms of broadcast and media
    • Describe the intent of the term "public trust" as it pertains to a radio or television business
    • Copyright infringement and fair use exemptions
    • Summarize rights and responsibilities in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy
    • Explain laws restricting use of copyrighted materials on the Internet
    • Discuss the concerns about electronic communications, privacy, and security, including protection from spy ware and viruses
    • Explain how to evaluate electronic sources of information Describe the influence of government regulations on media Demonstrate an understanding of bias in the media
  • Level 1 - Photographic Principles
    • Distinguish between digital and conventional photography
    • Utilize design elements in photography composition
    • Capture digital images using a scanner and digital camera
    • Demonstrate appropriate scanner/program operations for line artwork and continuous tone in both black/white and color
    • Identify high/low resolution images and describe the uses of each
    • Download a digital image from a stock photography Web site or CD
    • Scale a raster image using the proper settings in order to maintain the appropriate resolution for print or Web
    • Edit a raster image by using color correction, tone control, cropping, scaling, etc.
  • Level 1 - Document Layout
    • Define units of measure and proper uses of each
    • Utilize units of measure (points, pixels, and/or inches)
    • Import copy from a word processing program and format in a page layout program
    • Set text with appropriate margins, formatting, gutters, and proper leading
    • Design and produce a document using desired fonts, styles, margins, indents, tabs, and colors
    • Create multiple page documents using text blocks, graphics, frames, and headings using drop caps and wrap-a-rounds (run-a-rounds)
    • Create documents using grids, templates, master pages, paragraph style sheets, and character style sheets
    • Determine appropriate size, resolution, and format of images before placing into a document
    • Save files to removable storage devices
    • Export a print-ready Portable Document Format (PDF) using page layout software
    • Identify trim size, bleed size, and live area of a project
    • Locate examples of ad sizes from publications (full-page, half-page, and quarter-page ads)
    • Demonstrate an understanding of file formats (.ai, .jpg, psd, gif, tif, indd, pdf, etc.), file organization, and file naming conventions
    • Perform pre-flight and package operations
    • Describe process control procedures necessary for successful digital file output
    • Understand and prepare pre-press printing files for both PMS spot color and CMYK process printing
    • Save document in a variety of appropriate formats (native, Acrobat, and PostScript)
    • Explain the benefits of file extensions that are compatible with current software and appropriate for documents and their settings
    • State and identify file transfer protocol (FTP)
  • Level 1 - Raster Images
    • Scan images from different sources for a variety of uses
    • Use proper settings when choosing line-art, grayscale, and color scanning
    • Define RGB versus CMYK image modes and their usage
    • Demonstrate proficiency with photo editing tools, options, and palettes
    • Retouch, modify, and correct images
    • Improve photocomposition and focal points
    • Improve the color and tonal balance of an image
    • Demonstrate techniques of layer management
    • Define masks and channels and demonstrate techniques for using them in an image
    • Define raster file formats and their qualities
    • Create a clipping path
    • Explain how to save an original file with layers for future editing
  • Level 1 - Vector Images
    • Define vector graphics
    • Create a vector illustration using an electronic drawing program
    • Set text into the artwork as a design element Set type on a path and within a shape
    • Create outlines
    • Use image creation tools, options, and pallets Select colors from color swatch libraries Apply patterns and gradients
    • Apply layer management
    • Apply proper settings when saving or exporting graphics
    • Create or trace drawings/photographs using a vector illustration program
    • Create basic shapes: triangles, boxes, circles, etc. Draw using the pen tool
    • Fill objects using painting tools
    • Transform objects by scaling and rotating
    • Apply attributes, styles, and effects
    • Assign pantone colors, blends, gradients, and effects to create a unified vector image
    • Create a spot color illustration or logo using Pantone Matching System (PMS) or other color matching system
  • Level 1 - Demonstrating Productions Practices
    • Manage crew and cast required for an audio-video production
    • Monitor, review, and adjust a production schedule
    • Define depth of field and its relationship to amount of available light, filter selection, and aperture
    • Identify parts of and operate a TV camera
    • Adjust a camera, including setting gain, filters, aperture, focus, and white balance
    • Demonstrate movements of a TV camera
    • Compose shots following basic composition guidelines (rule of thirds, lead/talk space, framing, etc.)
    • Follow a moving subject while keeping the subject properly framed
    • Explain overscan and safe areas
    • Plan studio setup
    • Record audio using audio devices, including recorders and mixers
    • Demonstrate use and placement of microphones
    • Select between different inputs using a production switcher
    • Speak in front of a camera using a microphone
    • Interview a subject, both on-camera and off-camera, to get information about a chosen subject
    • Narrate a script over footage using proper vocal techniques Shoot/record a production script
    • Demonstrate best practices used to label and log raw footage Edit video, including b-roll, VO, SOTs, and nat sound Properly roll and store cable
  • Level 1 - Demonstrating Post-Production Practices
    • Identify basic functions and resources for editing audio and video productions
    • Capture and edit footage with audio/video editing software
    • Add text to video footage
    • Define "jump cuts" and list strategies to avoid them in shooting and editing
    • Describe procedures that prepare products for publishing/distribution
    • List criteria upon which to analyze and critique a product Demonstrate techniques of non-linear editing
    • Add narration, music, and sound effects
    • Define codec and file formats and give common uses of each
  • Level 2 - Digital Media Usage
    • Work safely and identify hazards in an office environment
    • Work safely and identify hazards while operating equipment
    • Provide design support for the creation of new and existing websites
    • Work with Creative Services and other departments as necessary to improve web presence on website, blogging, social media, and other digital platforms
    • Work with social media department to create rich user- centric content for multiple channels
    • Film instructional videos to correspond with Prime & Prim courses
    • Edit footage for instructional videos that will correspond with Prime & Prim courses
    • Identify and demonstrate how to properly use video recording equipment
    • Identify and demonstrate how to use software for video editing/production
    • Identify and demonstrate how to use software for educational materials
    • Plan and implement site design by interpreting desired results
    • Employ clean, easy to use navigation that allows quick access to desired content
    • Work with graphic artist and copywriters within creative services to develop content
    • Update content and graphics as needed in support of Digital Director
    • Work with Creative Services to make sure brand integrity is in compliance by establishing standards and editing content submissions
    • Employ principles of design and user experience best practices in an effective manner to support the mission of all digital projects
    • Maintenance, care, and proper usage of digital media equipment
  • Level 2 - Documentation
    • Provide reports to Digital Director and Internet Marketing Director using analytics that explain results based on current trends and desired goals for sites
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Headquarters location
Cayce, SC (29033)
(803) 306-6932
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