Introduction to the Roles of Health Care Professionals
Communication Skills
Personal Care and Safety Measures
Unit 3: Residents Rights
Unit 4: The Nurse Aide as a Member of the Health Care Team
Communication Challenges
Patient Care I
Unit 5: Human Interaction Skills
Human Needs / Mental & Social Development
Patient Care II
CNA Skills Update
Unit 6: Infection Control
Infection Prevention
Unit 7: Safety/Emergency Procedures
Safety & Emergency Procedures / Heimlich / Body Mechanics
Admission Transfer, Discharges Height & Weight
Unit 8-1: Basic Personal Care Skills Introduction
Unit 8-2: Oral Hygiene
Bedmaking / Care of Residents Environment
Basic Personal Care Skills Introduction
Unit 8-3: Skin Care
Unit 8-4: Hand and Foot Care
Unit 8-5: Hair Care and Shaving
Oral Care
Unit 8-6: Perineal Care
Hair & Shaving Care
Unit 8-7: Bathing - Bed/Tub/Shower
Hand & Foot Care
Unit 8-8: Dressing and Appearance
Unit 9: Care of the Resident’s Environment
Unit 10: Care of the Resident with Cognitive Impairment (Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders)
Position / Moving / Lifting
Vital Signs
Unit 11: Creating an Environment for Restraint Elimination, Reduction and Appropriate Use
Unit 12: Vital Signs, Height, & Weight
Nutrition & Fluid Balance
Unit 13: Meeting Nutrition and Hydration Needs of the Nursing
The Gastrointestinal System / Elimination
The Urinary System
Unit 14: Elimination
Unit 15: Rehabilitative/Restorative Care
The Integumentary System
Unit 16: Care of the Resident with Developmental Disability and Mental Retardation
The Cardiovascular System
Unit 17: Depression
The Respiratory System
The Musculoskelatal System
Unit 18: Death and Dying
Unit 19: The Resident with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) & Communicable Disease
The Nervous System & The Cognitively Impaired Resident
Unit 20: Clinical Practicum
The Endocrine System
Care of the Resident with Deveolpmental Disability
Rehabilitation & Restorative Care
Care of the Resident with Spititual Needs
End-Of-Life Care
NEWSTART; Principles for Lifestyle Management
Final Test / Practice Skills
The Clinical Experience
Soft Skills
Dementia Specialist
On-the-job training
Monitoring Body Functions and Personal Care
Promotes highest level of self-care related to personal cleanliness including hair and nail care, dressing and grooming, and incorporating use of assistive devices and adaptations without rushing the resident and with a respectful, caring attitude.
Assists residents with a positive, complete bathing, dressing/grooming experience with regard for each resident's individual preference.
Obtains vital signs & records accurately: respirations, pulse (radial and apical), temperature (oral, rectal, tympanic, axillary), blood pressure
Measures and records height and weight accurately.
Recognizes and reports changes in resident condition including abnormal changes in body function.
Measures and records intake and output.
Observe and record bowel movements.
Collect urine and stool specimens.
Performs Chemstrip process for blood sugar testing.
Meeting Emergency Needs
Respond proficiently to an individual’s emergency needs related to choking, convulsions, and falls.
Applies and monitors mobility and egress alarms.
Demonstrates knowledge of facility safety procedures including use of fire extinguishers.
Position call lights properly and responds to call lights promptly.
Handles oxygen safely.
Promoting Highest Level of Nutrition and Hydration
Assists residents with a positive dining experience with regard for residents' individual preferences, medical conditions, nutritional and hydration needs.
Monitors oral status and completes denture/oral care according to plan of care.
Promote optimal level of nutrition and hydration related to use of assistive devices and assistance with eating according to plan of care.
Verifies resident receives ordered diet type and consistency.
Provide residents with fresh water at bedside according to resident needs recognizing special needs for thickened or limited liquids.
Restorative Care (mobility, skin integrity and elimination)
Promotes highest level of mobility functioning through use of assistive devices/adaptations.
Encourages resident self-care as distinguished by the resident care plan.
Reinforces bowel and bladder training and implements scheduled toileting plans according to the plan of care.
Encourage resident self-care related to positioning, transferring and ambulation; including the use of assistive devices / adaptations
Use transfer equipment (gait belt, mechanical lifts, slide boards, lift/slip sheets, etc.) and handling techniques in a manner that makes residents feel safe and is safe for the worker as well. Transfer from bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to bed.
Promotes optimal level of skin integrity by incorporating preventive measures and restorative measures to promote healing of skin injuries.
Incorporates use of assistive devices and therapeutic aides to promote highest level of self care related to toileting and elimination.
Follows gradual reduction plans for physical restraints and ensures that restraints are released and residents are repositioned and exercised at least every 2 hours. Visually check resident every 30 minutes if restrained
Implements turning and repositioning as well as other preventative and restorative measures to prevent skin breakdown and promote healing of skin injuries.
Meeting Special Needs (Mental Health/Coping, Comfort, Rest, Sensory, Etc.)
Recognize developmental tasks associated with the aging process.
Orients resident and family to the facility.
Communicates with the resident in a respectful and patient manner conveying understanding and empathy.
Can identify psychosocial characteristics of residents with cognitive and/or mental disorders.
Recognizes behavior patterns that interfere or impede social functions and responds in an acceptable, calm, and non-judgmental manner.
Interacts with resident families, friends and significant others in a supportive and informative manner.
Assist in the enhancement of resident’s cognitive functioning.
Assist the resident who chooses to participate in group activities.
Recognize resident’s need for sexual expression assist the resident to maintain sexual identity.
Recognize signs and symptoms of discomfort or pain and report to appropriate person.
Adapt the physical environment in response to resident’s individual comfort needs and desires in the best way possible.
Utilize measures that relieve discomfort and promote rest and sleep.
Accommodate individual patterns of rest and sleep.
Adapt the physical environment in response to resident’s individual rest and sleep needs.
Meeting the needs of residents experiencing loss - Promote the optimal level of well-being when coping with loss by: Recognize the potential for loss among residents; Describe responses to loss; Allow residents to express grief related to experiences such as institutionalization, loss of significant other(s), and loss of body part(s); Utilize therapeutic communication with resident who is experiencing loss; Describe responses to dying and death; Provide physical and emotional support to the dying resident and resident’s family.
Promote optimal level of sensory stimulation including: -Vision/Hearing: Recognize resident’s individual need for sensory stimulation.; Utilize available resources to meet visual/auditory stimulation needs.; Maintain and utilize assistive devices for visual and hearing impairment.; Communicate effectively with sensory impaired residents; -Touch: Recognize the resident’s individual need for touch and utilize therapeutic use of touch.
Monitors residents with various tubing (gastrostomy, NG, catheters, intravenous, etc.,) and recognizes and reports concerns promptly.
Examinations, Procedures and Assistance to Nurse
Meeting special needs by assisting the nurse.
Assist with positioning for examinations and procedures.
Provide resident support during examinations and procedures.
Assist with postmortem care, respecting the dignity of the resident.
Assures labeling of property / belongings (clothing, glasses, dentures, etc.,) and ensures safekeeping by handling with care and storing properly.
Monitor/report lingering odors throughout the facility and take appropriate corrective action.
Provide residents with clean towels and washcloths
Provides post-mortem care.
Resident Rights
Respects the privacy of residents and demonstrates they are guests in the resident's home.
Recognizes and respects resident individuality and preference for wake, bedtime, clothing, bath type & time, etc.
Respects the confidentiality of resident information and adheres to HIPAA and facility confidentiality guidelines.
Recognizes potential abuse/neglect in environment and within self; and reports promptly to mentor, supervisor, law enforcement or social services - verbal, mental, emotional, neglect, including signs of financial exploitation.
Identifies ways for self to maintain their own physical and emotional balance so as not allow abusive behavior toward or around residents or their families and visitors by taking steps to reduce caregiver stress and burnout.
Completes documentation of care/behaviors according to organization guidelines.
Assists with admission (welcoming) and discharge procedure (moving) as needed.
Infection Control
Demonstrates adherence to organizations accreditation guidelines, such as the OSHA and CDC guidelines to minimize infections by following aseptic techniques including those that apply to blood borne pathogens.
Demonstrates consistent and appropriate hand-washing techniques including use of hand sanitizing agents.
Describe and give examples of standard precautions as described by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
List conditions that promote the growth of bacteria.
Describe clean versus dirty areas.
Handle linens and equipment properly to prevent contamination; including isolation techniques.
Communication, Problem Solving, and Organizational Skills
Demonstrates ability to be present with the resident when communicating with residents with dementia by considering four factors: 1) the person, 2) the environment, 3) the task, and 4) your approach.
Recognize how to set the mood and tone while also recognizing the person with dementia’s remaining skills and abilities (or any person for that matter).
Communicates in a non-judgmental manner minimizing the use of assumptions or bias.
Demonstrates organizational skills. For example: prepares equipment and supplies to prevent backtracking prior to care delivery.
Demonstrates effective time-management as evidenced by care completed in a timely, yet unhurried manner.
Recognizes problems and knows when, how and who to ask for assistance; and knows how to step back and reassess the situation in problem resolution.
Demonstrates knowledge and ability of teamwork, leadership and mentoring.
Incorporates customer service skills in interactions with all – respecting differences and perspectives.
Demonstrates appropriate use of active listening, paraphrasing, and clarifying in all communications.
Recognizes & reports changes in resident condition promptly.
Utilize appropriate communication techniques (communication board, etc.,) with resident.
Demonstrates advanced understanding of principles of infection control
Identifies the infectious process and modes of transmission of disease.
Demonstrates CDC guidelines related to standard precautions.
Demonstrates general principles of asepsis.
Reinforces appropriate hand-washing techniques including use of hand sanitizing agents.
Influenza prevention and implications for the aged client.
Recognizes risks of urinary tract infections and implements appropriate peri-care, toileting, fluids, and other interventions to minimize risk.
Demonstrates effective communication
Uses verbal and nonverbal communication to present information in a positive and non- threatening way.
Responds effectively and promptly to resident’s requests.
Observes and describes client's physical and emotional condition changes, using appropriate medical terminology and abbreviations.
Demonstrates communication skills with the client who has sensory deficits, i.e., a resident who is blind, hard of hearing, and/or who has visual field deficits.
Uses supportive communication in client interactions.
Demonstrates appropriate written communication to describe care interventions and resident observations.
Interacts effectively with all facility departments.
Answers phone identifying self and facility; upholds client confidentiality in all discussions including phone conversations.
Provides status report on client condition to nurse as needed.
Incorporates customer service skills in response to family and visitor requests; obtaining appropriate answers and/or referring to appropriate individuals as indicated. Demonstrates appropriate care and application of visual and hearing devices.
Incorporates appropriate interventions to maximize physical functioning & mobility, while maintaining proper body mechanics
Turns and positions the resident in a bed or chair—side lying, supine, prone, Sim’s, high and low
Fowler’s, orthopneic, logrolling, move up in bed, dangling.
Recognizes contractures, reports, and follows plan of care to prevent or minimize them.
Demonstrates the use of assistive devices in ambulation such as crutches, walker, cane, and wheel chair.
Reinforces the use of assistive devices in transferring clients-gait belt, mechanical lifters, slide board, lift sheet.
Demonstrates passive and active range of motion exercises.
Recognizes need for and implements appropriate use of footboards, hand rolls, bed cradles, and abductor pillows.
Identifies complications of immobility and follows through with appropriate interventions according to the plan of care.
Promotes resident independence in the activities of daily living.
Understands the implications of hydration related to body systems.
Understands the implications of oral care related to body systems.
Implements appropriate interventions to maintain continence and minimize problems related to elimination
Assists or provides enemas according to facility/state guidelines.
Measures, calculates, and records fluid intake and output.
Reinforces bowel and bladder training and implements scheduled toileting plans according to plan of care.
Uses appropriate interventions and adaptations to maintain normal bladder and bowel routine such as high-rise toilet seat, toileting per normal routine while allowing privacy.
Monitors/troubleshoots ostomy care.
Provides care for client with supra-pubic catheter.
Applies external catheter and assists with proper care of legbags.
Functions as a member of the health team within the health care facility and/or community
Identifies the essential functions of the health care facility and states the differences between acute care, long-term care, assisted living, and home care.
Identifies the essential functions of care team members and all facility staff.
Explains the essential duties of the nursing team.
Performs and completes assignments related to workload, education, and other duties within the established facility guidelines.
Intervenes in situations involving unsafe or inadequate care.
Demonstrates knowledge of and reinforces facility policy and safety procedures.
Demonstrates ability to review care plan, implement interventions, and communicate needed changes to charge nurse in support of resident's preferences.
Completes tasks promptly without “rushing” resident.
Serves as a resource person to new nursing assistants.
Participates in care planning process.
Participates in admission/discharge and transfer of resident; gathering and identifying personal items and documenting according to guidelines.
Documents in medical record, according to facility guidelines, using objective information.
Demonstrates Ethical/Professional Practices
Demonstrates professional behavior according to facility standards and guidelines.
Interprets, explains, and applies the Resident Rights and right to self-determination.
Provides for client privacy and dignity at all times.
Maintains client confidentiality and adheres to HIPAA regulations.
Promotes the resident’s right to make personal choices and accommodates their needs.
Assists with treatments, procedures, and specimen collection
Recognizes dangers of oxygen therapy and safety issues.
Performs abdominal thrusts for the choking victim (Heimlich maneuver).
Applies warm moist compress under the direction of a licensed nurse.
Applies heat pack under the direction of a licensed nurse.
Applies cold compress under the direction of a licensed nurse.
Collects, labels, and sends stool specimens for culture and sensitivity; ova and parasites; occult blood/guiac.
Collects, labels, and sends sputum specimens.
Collects, labels, and sends urine specimen for routine analysis, 24 hour specimens and clean-catch or midstream specimens.
Strains urine.
Applies anti-embolism stockings/devices correctly with concern for resident skin integrity.
Demonstrates ability to recognize discomfort/pain and report to licensed nurse.
Implements non-medicinal interventions according to plan of care.
Uses pain scale appropriately.
Incorporate Interventions for the Cognitively Impaired Resident to Facilitate Quality Care as a Member of the Healthcare Team
Utilize care plan for interventions and report successful interventions to charge nurse and document accordingly.
Monitor and document episodes of targeted behaviors and/or new behaviors according to facility guidelines.
Implement interventions to minimize the effects of disruptive behaviors and participates in care planning and/or behavior committees to evaluate effectiveness of these interventions.
Assist/direct appropriate interventions of other caregivers including ancillary staff.
Recognizes signs of stress and strategies for coping with it in self and other caregivers and family members.
Demonstrate Effective Communication & Interaction with Cognitively Impaired and Their Families
Demonstrate redirecting a resident.
Demonstrate use of validation therapy.
Verbalize and demonstrate various approaches for a resident who is resisting personal care that will maintain resident dignity and respect.
Demonstrate appropriate interventions for resident who is yelling or screaming.
Demonstrate use of distraction strategies as a therapeutic intervention.
Demonstrate use of therapeutic activities to de-escalate a resident who is anxious. Demonstrate therapeutic communication with significant others.
Demonstrate coaching techniques to help other caregivers and family members cope with the dementia process.
Provide Assistance With ADL’s, Mobility, and Therapeutic Activities that will Maximize Functional Well Being Including Culturally Sensitive Dementia
Demonstrate use of therapeutic activities/exercises to maintain joint function for the cognitively impaired resident/client.
Implements care strategies that encourage ADL’s without increase resident anxiety and respects the resident’s dignity and desire for control.
Implements therapeutic activities appropriate for early, middle, and late states of dementia, including end of life care and culturally sensitive dementia care.
Demonstrates strategies for promoting independence in all ADL’s.
Apply Nutritional Interventions to Maximize/Maintain Nutritional Well Being in the Cognitively Impaired
Demonstrates adapting the dining experience to maximize nutritional intake (i.e., offering small servings, introducing foods one at a time, etc.,)
Explain modifications needed to maintain nutritional status.
Demonstrates provision of finger foods, frequent meals, snacks, and fluids in a way the cognitively impaired resident will accept.
Demonstrate Understanding of Effects of Psychoactive Medications and Observe for Side Effects
Demonstrate Understanding of Effects of Psychoactive Medications and Observe for Side Effects
Maintain a Safe Environment for Cognitively Impaired
Demonstrate maintaining safe environment for wandering resident.
Demonstrate/verbalize actions to take for a resident who is striking out at another resident.
Implement and describe system/schedule to monitor resident location/criteria for use of elopement alarms, frequency of egress door checks, and other actions to prevent wandering.
Demonstrate maintaining safety from potential toxic substances that the confused resident may attempt to ingest.
Implement appropriate interventions to minimize environmental stimuli that may increase a confused resident’s agitation, i.e., noise levels, large groups, television, radio, etc.
Maintain a safe environment for residents and staff while de-escalating combative behavior.
Mobility: Demonstrate use of appropriate mobility, balance and strengthening exercises as well as incorporating these into therapeutic activities
Demonstrate appropriate usage of adaptive equipment: large motor & small motor muscles-walkers, canes, wheelchairs, prosthesis.
Incorporate fall prevention strategies in care delivery and verbalize factors contributing to falls and strategies to minimize their effects.
Demonstrate appropriate turning and repositioning and use of devices to prevent skin breakdown.
Demonstrate appropriate positioning, transfer techniques, and monitoring of resident.
Reinforce basic range of motion and demonstrate use of related equipment
Discuss complications that arise from improper positioning.
Demonstrate use of various assistive devices in ambulation.
Reinforce good body mechanics during all transfers.
Activities of Daily Living (ADL’S): Demonstrate and use task segmentation in assisting a resident to complete ADL’s and appropriate use of adaptive equipment
Demonstrate and assist resident with reaching devices and other adaptive equipment.
Demonstrate how to modify the environment to promote independence in daily living activities.
Demonstrate understanding of how to monitor fatigue.
Assists with training/implementation of dressing/undressing programs, grooming, bathing, toileting, exercise/movement programs and eating/swallowing programs according to plan of care.
Provides or assists in providing all assigned residents' ordered tasks within appropriate time frame, using appropriate infection control procedures.
Maintains residents' self esteem, privacy and confidentiality of personal information.
Assists residents to attain/maintain their individual highest functional level of independence.
Restorative dining, swallowing deficits
Demonstrate understanding of resident specific goals related to a restorative dining program
Demonstrate proper positioning for meal consumption - table height, distance from table, position of resident's elbows and shoulders.
Provide alternate food choices as per their plan of care.
Provide a positive experience for eating.
Document intake and observations per facility policy.
Demonstrate use of built-up utensils, plate guards, and non-skid material and other accommodations that may be individual to each resident.
Demonstrate safe feeding techniques.
Demonstrate understanding of hazards and/or complications related to swallowing.
Demonstrate understanding of the different types of diet textures and liquid consistencies.
Restoring continence: Document response to individualized toileting plans and compile elimination data to determine appropriate toileting plans
Demonstrate understanding of the different types of incontinence.
Demonstrate understanding of the role in retraining.
Documents response to individualized toileting plans.
Compiles elimination data to determine appropriate toileting plans.
Monitor hydration and its importance related to continence.
Demonstrates appropriate use of special treatments (heat and cold therapy modalities) according to state-specific regulations
Demonstrates appropriate use of special treatments (heat and cold therapy modalities) according to state-specific regulations
Demonstrates prosthetic care and assistance
Demonstrates prosthetic care and assistance
Demonstrate techniques for working with clients with aphasia, dysarthria, emotional lability and other communication challenges or limitations
Demonstrate understanding of techniques used to manage short and long term memory loss.
Demonstrate strategies for assisting residents with receptive and expressive aphasia.
Plan of care, using restorative concepts and documentation and communication
Report observations of resident's condition or change in functional status.
Accommodates residents' needs through responding appropriately to verbal/nonverbal expressions of need.
Pain management: Incorporates knowledge of care of residents with chronic pain
Pain management: Incorporates knowledge of care of residents with chronic pain
Safety Issues: Demonstrates the safe use and maintenance of equipment
Safety Issues: Demonstrates the safe use and maintenance of equipment
Functions as member of health care team and as a role model/leader
Demonstrates professionalism in appearance (clean, neat) and in respectful interactions with residents and co-workers.
Incorporates principles of adult learning in apprentice program.
Collaborates with apprentice to identify learning needs.
Demonstrates knowledge of the apprentice's role.
Utilizes positive reinforcement & coaching skills to assist apprentice.
Documents apprentice progress and assists in developing action plans for areas needing improvement.
Develops timelines and learning plan to meet program goals & individual apprentice's learning needs.
Demonstrates respect for resident dignity, confidentiality and resident rights.
Demonstrates ability to objectively record observations & provide direction and correction (when applicable) to apprentice.
Understands principles of policy/procedures and follows correct procedures in demonstrating skills to apprentice.
Adapts learning techniques according to apprentice's learning style preferences/needs.
Follows apprentice development plan and documents progress timely and completely
Demonstrates teamwork in cooperating with other staff.
Demonstrates ability to assist apprentice in dealing with reality shock/stress of confronting new situation(s) and the ability to assist the apprentice to become integrated into their new role.
Recognizes unique needs of new employees when serving as a mentor
Utilize age and culturally appropriate teaching and learning principles
Demonstrates understanding of the role of the mentor as distinct from the role of the supervisor
Demonstrates positive attitude and serves as advocate for organization’s mission/ values.
Demonstrates clear, concise, respectful communication & interpersonal skills
Provides concise verbal report to charge nurse re: resident status and concerns.
Clarifies expectations with apprentice in clear, concise communication.
Incorporates assertive communication in interactions with peers and apprentice.
Demonstrates ability to develop trusting relationship with apprentice, peers, & residents/families.
Demonstrates ability to utilize creative problem-solving when confronted with resident/family and/or co-worker concerns.
Demonstrates respect of cultural differences and develops plans to meet these individual needs for residents, families, peers.
Provides specific & accurate feedback to apprentice & verifies apprentice concerns via active listening & paraphrasing skills.
Demonstrates effective written communication
Refers customers to appropriate individual if can't answer questions.
Recognizes anxiety and stress levels & allows for venting of concerns from residents, families, peers.
Develops trust and rapport with all customers.
Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for actions and avoids defensiveness, reflecting on different perspectives and perceptions.
Utilizes communication skills to defuse anger and redirect negative comments. Maintains calm tone of voice.
Organizational & Time Management Skills
Demonstrates ability to manage time effectively while maintaining individualized approach to resident care.
Recognizes conditions that require prompt report and demonstrates ability to reprioritize daily routines in response.
Follows apprentice development plan and documents progress timely and completely.
Arrives at work timely, keeps breaks and mealtimes as scheduled OR adapts to meet resident needs.
Recognizes time constraints, but demonstrates ability to not "rush" residents during cares or portray a sense of urgency.
Assists apprentice to prioritize tasks and seek out assistance when indicated.
Takes needed time to listen to resident, family and apprentice concerns.
Demonstrates ability to plan "learning opportunities" for apprentice & acts as resource & sounding board during these.
Assigns increasing level of complexity of tasks to apprentice & monitors timeliness and accuracy of task completion.
Demonstrates willingness to assist others, respond to any call lights or resident requests, and adapt own tasks accordingly.
Shares organizational skills and tips for apprentice’s success.
Demonstrates advanced knowledge in implementing care strategies & taking appropriate actions
Demonstrates advanced knowledge in implementing care strategies & taking appropriate actions
Demonstrates advanced skills in implementing process improvements with grasp of quality improvement approaches to problem solving and improving the workplace. Encourages input, feedback and takes appropriate actions to improve apprentice experiences and h
Demonstrates advanced skills in implementing process improvements with grasp of quality improvement approaches to problem solving and improving the workplace. Encourages input, feedback and takes appropriate actions to improve apprentice experiences and high self-esteem
Understands the hiring and staff evaluation process
Understands the hiring and staff evaluation process
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