Understands and uses terminology common to the practice of wood harvesting
Application of timber stand improvement practices
Tree planting and reforestation
Understands and applies safe choker setter practices
Inspects equipment for safety prior to use and performs necessary basic maintenance tasks
Safety practices - personnel, site, equipment
Chainsaw operation and maintenance
Clear brush from work areas and escape routes, cut saplings and other trees from direction of falls using axes, chainsaws, or bulldozers
Tag unsafe trees with high-visibility ribbons
Collects data as needed and submits repots
Understands basic team operations
Module 2
Skidder operator
Loader operations
Scaling, utilizations, and measurements
Tree feller / tree bucker operations
Control/ operate hydraulic tractors equipped with tree clamps and booms to lift, swing, and bunch sheared trees
Grade logs according to characteristics such as knot size and straightness, and according to established industry or company standards
Measure felled trees and cut them into specified log lengths, using chainsaws and axes
Module 3
Advanced general logging practice
Control the direction of a tree's fall by scoring cutting lines with axes, sawing undercuts along scored lines with chainsaws, knocking slabs from cuts with single-bit axes, and driving wedges
Principles of road building
Drive tractors for the purpose of building or repairing logging and skid roads
Operates, maintains, and performs small repairs / CAT and front-end loader
Module 4
Tree feller
Mobile Yard operator
Drive and maneuver mechanical equipment and tree harvesters to shear the tops off of trees, cut and limb the trees, and cut the logs into desired lengths
Determine forestry techniques or methods best suited to site
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