Pharmacy Technician

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 29-2052.00






On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
    On-the-job Training
    • Personal Skills as Pharmacy Technician
    • Foundational Pharmacy Technician Professional Skills
    • Processing and Handling of Medications and Medication Orders
    • Sterile and Non-Sterile Compounding
    • Procurement, Billing, Reimbursement and Inventory Management
    • Patient-Safety and Medication-Safety
    • Technology and Informatics
    • Regulatory & Quality Assurance
    • Demonstrate ethical conduct in all job-related activities.
      • 001 - Act ethically in all job-related activities.
    • Present an image appropriate for the profession of pharmacy in appearance and behavior.
      • 002 - Apply skills for presenting a professional image in appearance (including dress and hygiene) and behavior.
    • Communicate clearly when speaking and in writing.
      • 005 - Use effective strategies for communicating with patients who are non- English speakers or who have other special needs, such as vision or hearing problems, low reading level, difficulty understanding instructions).
      • 004 - Use listening skills effectively.
      • 003 - Apply effective verbal and written communication skills.
    • Demonstrate a respectful attitude when interacting with diverse patient populations.
      • 006 - Demonstrate a respectful attitude when interacting with diverse patient populations.
    • Apply self-management skills, including time management, stress management, and adapting to change.
      • 009 - Apply change management skills.
      • 008 - Apply stress management skills.
      • 007 - Apply time and workflow management skills.
    • Apply interpersonal skills, including negotiation skills, conflict resolution, and teamwork.
      • 011 - Resolve conflicts effectively.
      • 010 - Apply effective interpersonal and teamwork skills in work with healthcare teams.
    • Apply critical thinking skills, creativity, and innovation to solve problems.
      • 014 - Describe how different healthcare occupations interact in the health care delivery system.
      • 013 - Apply creativity and innovation to solve problems common frequently in pharmacy technician’s work.
      • 012 - Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems common in pharmacy technician’s work.
    • Demonstrate understanding of wellness promotion and disease prevention concepts, incl. health screenings; environmental factors; and adverse effects of drugs and alcohol
      • 015 - Explain the importance and methods of wellness promotion and disease prevention practices, such as use of health screenings; health practices and environmental factors that impact health; and adverse effects of alcohol, tobacco, and legal and illega
    • Demonstrate commitment to excellence in the pharmacy profession and to continuing education and training.
      • 016 - Demonstrate commitment to excellence in the pharmacy profession and to continuing education and training.
    • Demonstrate understanding and skills in areas of science relevant to the pharmacy technician’s role, including anatomy/physiology and pharmacology.
      • 019 - Explain the role of the FDA in regulating herbal products and dietary supplements.
      • 018 - Explain the use and side effects of prescription and non- prescription medications, and alternative therapies (e.g., herbal products, dietary supplements, homeopathy, lifestyle modification) used to treat common disease states, including those that
      • 017 - State the definitions of medical terms commonly used in the range of patient care settings.
    • Perform mathematical calculations essential to the duties of pharmacy technicians in a variety of contemporary settings.
      • 020 - Perform mathematical calculations frequently needed in pharmacy technicians’ work.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the pharmacy technician’s role in the medication-use process.
      • 021 - Explain the pharmacy technician’s role in the medication-use process.
    • Demonstrate understanding of major trends, issues, goals, and initiatives taking place in the pharmacy profession.
      • 022 - Identify and describe major trends, issues, goals, and initiatives taking place in the pharmacy profession.
    • Demonstrate understanding of non-traditional roles of pharmacy technicians.
      • 023 - Identify and explain non-traditional roles of pharmacy technicians.
    • Identify and describe emerging therapies.
      • 024 - Identify and describe emerging therapies.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the preparation and process for sterile and non-sterile compounding.
      • 025 - Demonstrate understanding of the preparation and process for sterile and non-sterile compounding.
    • Assist pharmacists in collecting, organizing, and recording demographic and clinical information for direct patient care and medication-use review.
      • 033 - Appropriately collect data for the pharmacist’s use in managing pharmacy services.
      • 032 - Appropriately collect data for the pharmacist’s use in a medication use review.
      • 031 - When collecting patient- specific information, identify situations where the patient requires the attention of the pharmacist.
      • 030 - Follow an established system for organizing collected patient-specific information in a useful electronic or manual format.
      • 029 - Obtain required patient information from other members of the health care team when needed.
      • 028 - Effectively interview patients, their representatives, or their caregivers to obtain needed patient information.
      • 027 - Collect needed patient information from the medical chart, patient profile or medical record when needed.
      • 026 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding collection of patient specific information.
    • Receive and screen prescriptions/medication orders for completeness, accuracy, and authenticity.
      • 037 - Identify situations when screening refills and renewals when the technician should notify the pharmacist of potential inappropriateness.
      • 036 - Efficiently obtain information to complete a prescription/medication order.
      • 035 - Assess prescription/medication orders for completeness and authenticity when receiving orders via paper or electronic systems.
      • 034 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations related to receiving and screening of medication orders.
    • Assist pharmacists in the identification of patients who desire/require counseling to optimize the use of medications, equipment, and devices.
      • 039 - Use effective communication skills to determine if a patient or caregiver would like pharmacist counseling on the use of medications.
      • 038 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding patient counseling.
    • Prepare non-patient-specific medications for distribution (e.g., batch, stock medications).
      • 047 - Follow established policies and procedures for recording preparation of bulk, unit dose, and special doses of medications for immediate or anticipated future use.
      • 046 - Affix the appropriate primary and auxiliary labels to containers.
      • 045 - Follow an established procedure to generate accurate and complete product labels.
      • 044 - Package the product in the appropriate type and size of container using a manual or automated system.
      • 043 - Follow safety policies and procedures in the preparation of all medications.
      • 042 - Appropriately obtain prescribed medications or devices from inventory.
      • 041 - Follow the manufacturer's recommendation and/or the pharmacy's guidelines for storage of medications prior to distribution.
      • 040 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding preparing medications for distribution.
    • Distribute medications in a manner that follows specified procedures.
      • 053 - Monitor medication use to assure it is consistent with the prescription/medication order for the patient.
      • 052 - Follow established policies and procedures to record the distribution of controlled substances.
      • 051 - Follow established policies and procedures to record the distribution of prescription medications.
      • 050 - Efficiently deliver the correct medication, equipment, device, or supplies to the correct patient or their representative.
      • 048 - Follow established policies and procedures for recording the preparation of controlled substances.
    • Practice effective infection control procedures, including preventing transmission of blood borne and airborne diseases.
      • 054 - Follow policies and procedures for infection control (e.g., protective clothing, hand- washing).
    • Assist pharmacists in preparing, storing, and distributing medication products requiring special handling and documentation
      • 060 - Follow the established protocol for the preparation, storage and recording of an investigational medication product.
      • 059 - Apply special handling procedures for drugs with mandated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS)].
      • 058 - Apply special procedures pharmacy technicians will be responsible for regarding preparing, storing and distributing investigational drugs
      • 057 - Apply special procedures technicians will be responsible for regarding preparing, storing and distributing controlled substances and chemotherapy agents.
      • 056 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding the technician’s role in immunizations.
      • 055 - Explain special procedures pharmacy technicians will be responsible for regarding preparing, storing and distributing controlled substances.
    • Assist pharmacists in the monitoring of medication therapy.
      • 063 - Demonstrate skill in monitoring selected procedures (e.g., finger- stick blood draw for glucose monitoring and cholesterol screening, blood pressure, pulse).
      • 062 - Explain the purpose of monitoring a patient's medication therapy.
      • 061 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding technician’s role in monitoring of medication therapy.
    • Prepare patient-specific medications for distribution.
      • 067 - Follow protocol to assemble appropriate patient information materials
      • 066 - Accurately count or measure finished dosage forms as specified by the prescription/medication order.
      • 065 - Accurately create a new, or enter data into an existing, patient profile according to an established procedure.
      • 064 - Act in accordance with state laws and regulations regarding technician’s role in preparing medications for distribution.
    • Maintain pharmacy facilities and equipment, including automated dispensing equipment.
      • 072 - Follow manufacturers' guidelines in troubleshooting, maintaining, and repairing electronic devices used in preparing and dispensing medications.
      • 071 - Accurately calibrate weighing or counting devices, fluid compounders, or syringe pumps.
      • 070 - Maintain a clean and neat work environment.
      • 069 - Apply appropriate techniques to clean laminar flow biological safety cabinets.
      • 068 - Follow policies and procedures for sanitation management and hazardous waste handling (e.g., needles).
    • Use material safety data sheets (MSDS) to identify, handle, and safely dispose of hazardous materials.
      • 077 - Compound sterile products using appropriate techniques, equipment and devices.
      • 076 - Accurately determine the correct amounts of ingredients for a compounded product.
      • 075 - Collect the correct ingredients for sterile products requiring compounding.
      • 074 - Define and explain key elements of USP 797.
      • 073 - Accurately follow instructions on material safety data sheets.
    • Prepare medications requiring compounding of non-sterile products.
      • 078 - Compound non-sterile products using appropriate technique.
    • Prepare medications requiring compounding of chemotherapy/hazardous products.
      • 090 - Accurately make change.
      • 089 - Demonstrate skill in the operation of a cash register.
      • 088 - Accurately record the receipt of payment for pharmaceutical goods and services.
      • 087 - Accurately complete third party claims forms.
      • 086 - Appropriately communicate third party payment coverage information and further action to be taken to customers/patients.
      • 085 - When a claim is rejected, identify the reason.
      • 084- Verify and accurately input third party coverage for a prescription/medication order.
      • 092 - Determine payment due the health system for medication orders.
      • 091 - Determine items which are taxable.
      • 083 - Effectively obtain needed information from the customer/patient, including method of payment for a prescription/medication order and patient-specific information.
      • 082 - Demonstrate skill in cleaning up a cytotoxic or other hazardous medication product spill using the accepted procedure.
      • 081 - Follow policies and procedures for sanitation management, hazardous waste handling (e.g., needles), and infection control (e.g., protective clothing)."
      • 080 - Follow safety policies and procedures when disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.
      • 079 - Compound cytotoxic and other hazardous medication products using appropriate technique.
    • Apply accepted procedures in purchasing pharmaceuticals, devices, and supplies.
      • 093 - Follow an established procedure for purchasing pharmaceuticals, devices, and supplies.
    • Apply accepted procedures in inventory control of medications, equipment, and devices.
      • 103 - Follow established policies and procedures to maintain a record of controlled substances received, stored, and removed from inventory.
      • 102 - Follow established policies and procedures for prevention of theft and/or medication diversion.
      • 101 - Explain methods for communicating changes in product availability to patients, caregivers, and/or health care professionals.
      • 100 - Explain alternative ways of obtaining a pharmacy item that is not available.
      • 099 - Identify pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies to be ordered.
      • 098 - Follow established policies and procedures for documenting repackaging or the removal from inventory of expired/discontinued pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, devices, supplies, or recalled items in these same categories.
      • 097 - Follow established policies and procedures for removing from inventory expired/discontinued pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, devices, supplies, or recalled items in these same categories.
      • 096 - Follow established policies and procedures for placing pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies in inventory under proper storage conditions.
      • 095 - Follow established policies and procedures verifying specifications on the original order when receiving inventory.
      • 094 - Apply accepted procedures of inventory control (e.g., prime vendor, just-in-time).
    • Explain pharmacy reimbursement plans for covering pharmacy services.
      • Explain pharmacy reimbursement plans for covering pharmacy services.
    • Apply patient-and medication-safety practices in all aspects of the pharmacy technician’s roles.
      • 108 - When a clinically significant ADE is identified, participate in formulating a strategy for preventing its reoccurrence.
      • 107 - When a clinically significant adverse medication event (ADE) is identified, participate in determining the presence of any similar potential ADE’s.
      • 106 - Explain the technician’s role in preventing and detecting medication errors.
      • 105 - Explain the programs currently in place for reporting medication errors on a global and institutional level.
      • 104 - Describe common factors of an effective pharmacy department approach to preventing medication errors.
    • Verify measurements, preparation, and/or packaging of medications produced by others (cross-check)
      • 110 - Accurately assess the correctness of medications produced by other technicians including measurements, preparation technique, and packaging.
      • 109 - Explain how state laws and regulations determine what activities regarding verifying the measurements, preparation, and/or packaging of medications produced by other technicians can be delegated to technicians.
    • Explain pharmacists’ roles responding to emergency situations and assisting pharmacists with Basic Life Support (BLS) skills
      • 112 - Achieve certification as a Basic Life Support (BLS) Healthcare Provider.
      • 111 - Explain technicians’ roles when they are responding to emergency situations.
    • Demonstrate skills required for effective emergency preparedness.
      • 113 - Demonstrate skills required for effective emergency preparedness.
    • Assist pharmacists in medication reconciliation.
      • 114 - Apply skills required to assist pharmacists in medication reconciliation.
    • Assist pharmacists in medication therapy management.
      • 121 - Describe policies and procedures for monitoring the practice site and/or service area for compliance with federal, state, and local laws; regulations; and professional standards.
      • 120 - Demonstrate the ability to use technologies frequently used in the pharmacy setting, including bar coding and automated dispensing technology, and unit dose packaging and reporting.
      • 119 - Explain currently emerging technologies that may impact the practice of pharmacy.
      • 118 - Demonstrate skill in using the internet, e-mail, and electronic medication information databases.
      • 117 - Demonstrate proficiency with word processing, spread sheets, and databases.
      • 116 - Describe the use of current technology in the healthcare environment to ensure the safety and accuracy of medication dispensing.
      • 115 - Demonstrate skills needed to assist pharmacists in medication therapy management.
    • Maintain confidentiality of patient information.
      • 123 - Apply quality assurance practices to technician activities, including handling of pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices and supplies.
      • 122 - Observe legal and ethical guidelines for safeguarding the confidentiality of patient information.
    • Explain procedures and communication channels for product recall or shortage, medication error, or other problem.
      • 127 - Apply appropriate procedures and communication channels in the event of other problems that may occur.
      • 126 - Apply appropriate procedures and communication channels in the event of a medication error.
      • 125 - Apply appropriate procedures and communication channels in the event of a product shortage.
      • 124 - Apply appropriate procedures and communication channels to use in the event of a product recall.
    Headquarters Location:
    Renton, WA (98057)
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