GACC South


MT Mechatronics Engineering Professional

Competency-based occupation




Classroom Instruction Topics
    On-the-job Training
    • GA CATT Apprenticeship contract, company policies and employment regulations
      • Review significance of the GA CATT Apprenticeship training contract, especially responsibilities, duration, and termination
      • Review the mutual responsibilities, duties, and obligations arising from the training contract of both parties
      • Review the employment regulations that apply to the GA CATT Network Company
      • Review options for continuing education in the profession
    • Structure and organization of the GA CATT Network Company
      • Explain the history, structure, and organization of the GA CATT Network Company
      • Explain basic functions of the GA CATT Network Company such as procurement, manufacturing, sales, administration, and management
      • Review the relationships of the GA CATT Network Company and its personnel to trade associations, trade representatives and channel partners, K-12 schools, and colleges, as applicable
      • Describe the principles, tasks, and mode of operation of the representative bodies associated with the GA CATT Network Company
    • Workplace safety and health
      • Determine risks to safety and health at the workplace and actions totake to avoid them
      • Review safety regulations and required documentation related to company equipment such as the operation of electrical, welding, and mechanical devices and tools
      • Apply ergonomics, workplace-specific safety and accident prevention regulations
      • Describe actions to take in the event of accidents, falls, and health emergencies
      • Review safety regulations related to working with electrical equipment, devices, and operating equipment
      • Apply fire prevention rules and describe action to take in the event of fire
      • Review company CPR/first aid/AED protocols and locations of equipment
      • Use protective and safety equipment and test their functioning
    • Environmental Protection
      • Review company procedures to avoid environmental impacts arising from operations within the workplace, in particular: use of renewable energy, energy and resource efficiency, and other economical and environmentally sound options
      • Review possible environmental impact made by the GA CATT Network Company and its contribution to protect the environment
      • Identify waste disposal of substances and materials in an environmentally sound manner
      • Review OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations and applications relevant to the GA CATT Network Company
      • Evaluate and apply proper disposal techniques and procedures for fuels and other hazardous waste products
    • Operational and Technical Communication
      • Select information sources, gather and evaluate information
      • Engage in clear, articulate and appropriate conversations with customers, supervisors, and in a team, present facts and circumstances, use technical terminology correctly
      • Engage in activities to resolve conflicts among team members, customers, supervisors as appropriate
      • Handle IT systems, in particular deploy software and connect and use peripheral devices
      • Protect and secure data
      • Prepare documentation and reports, using company software
      • Read and use component, assembly, and system drawings
      • Read and use circuit documentation on sub-assemblies and devices used in fluid power
      • Read and use electrical, block, function, assembly and connection plans
      • Prepare sketches and parts lists
      • Update technical plans of assemblies, machines and systems
      • Use technical regulations, operating instructions, work orders and other information
      • Use presentation techniques to report on work
      • Explain products and work results on handover (e.g. to production team or customer) and provide initial instructions as to function
      • Use company information and communication systems effectively
    • Plan and organize work; assess work results
      • Determine stages of work in accordance with functional, technical production and business criteria
      • Determine and secure work processes in accordance with organizational and information criteria
      • Plan work in a team, assign tasks
      • Set up the work space using approved operational processes and procedures of the GA CATT Network Company.
      • Select tools and materials; order, check, transport, and prepare them in a timely manner and maintain accurate inventory
      • Prepare processing machines for the work process
      • Prepare tools, machine tools, testing and measuring equipment and technical equipment for operational use, check and maintain such tools and equipment and initiate measures for the rectification of errors
      • Monitor, evaluate and check own work and work done by others
      • Document materials, spare parts, work time and technical checks
    • Quality Management
      • Observe standards and specifications for quality assurance of the products and secure quality in completing the order according due consideration to upstream and downstream divisions, in particular
      • Evaluate the quality assurance system and its effectiveness in conjunction with technical documentation deploy procedures
      • Select test methods and test equipment ascertain and document. Select and apply test procedures and equipment check the correct functioning of test equipment, apply test plans and company test regulations, document and evaluate results
      • Systematically seek out remedy and document the causes of errors and defects
      • Contribute to continuous improvement of work processes in own work area
    • Check and label work pieces
      • Select and handle measuring equipment for the measurement and checking of lengths, angles and areas
      • Measure lengths, observe tolerances and check matching
      • Check areas for evenness, angularity and precision of form an evaluate the quality of surface areas
      • Monitor form of surface areas and characteristics of joining surfaces in accordance with technical requirements
      • Mark off, punch and label work pieces
      • Measure angles and check using angle gauges
    • Machine and manually manufacture components and modules
      • Saw sheet metals, boards and metal and plastic profiles as marked out
      • File and chamfer areas and forms on work pieces flat, angled and parallel to measure
      • Create and smooth drill holes
      • Create internal and external screw threads
      • Process work pieces by turning
      • Process work pieces by milling
      • Crop thin sheet metal and plastic boards
      • Cold form and straighten sheet metals, pipes and profiles made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
    • Joining
      • Produce and secure screw fittings, considering sequence of components and torque
      • Dowel construction components
      • Create soldered and adhesive connections
      • Weld sheet metals, pipes and profiles
    • Install electrical subassemblies
      • Assemble plug-in modules, housings and circuit unit combinations
      • Select, install, wire up and label components for electrical auxiliary and circuit units
      • Install and label components for open and closed loop control, measuring and checking
      • Stipulate cabling routes, taking into account design as well as on-site circumstances
      • Select, prepare, lay and connect cables, taking into account mechanical and electrical load, method of laying and purpose
      • Wire up sub-assemblies and devices using various methods according to documentation and templates
      • Correct errors and document changes
    • Measure and test electrical values
      • Select measuring procedures and measuring devices, assess measurement errors and set up measuring equipment
      • Measure voltage, current, resistance and output in the direct and alternating current circuit and calculate dependence
      • Record, present and evaluate measurement series and response curves, especially of resistances dependent on voltage, temperature and light
      • Measure and check analogue and digital signals, in particular signal time behavior
      • Check electrical parameters of sub-assemblies and components
      • Build electrical circuits and check function
    • Install and test hardware and software components
      • Check hardware and software interfaces, compatibility of hardware components and system requirements for software
      • Assemble and connect system components
      • Configure hardware, install and adjust software
      • Install and configure networks and bus systems
      • Check signals at interfaces, interpret protocols, test systems
      • Carry out software updates
      • Document changes in hardware and software
    • Build and test controls systems
      • Build and connect electrical and fluid power circuits
      • Connect, check and adjust systems to provide electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic power
      • Measure and adjust pressure in fluid power systems
      • Analyze assignment, in particular sequences and reciprocal effect at interfaces of the system to be controlled
      • Align control concepts and select control equipment
      • Build electrical and fluid power circuits in accordance with pre-stipulated problem statements
      • Install sensors, actuators and converters
      • Check and adjust the interaction of connected functions, consider interfaces in localizing errors
    • Program mechatronics systems
      • Evaluate control systems of different designs
      • Input and modify control programs, prepare and use test programs
      • Prepare, enter and test application programs for control systems
      • Monitor program process in mechatronic systems, identify and rectify errors
    • Assemble subassemblies and components into machines and systems
      • Identify subassemblies and components and check characteristics are error-free
      • Carry out preliminary installations
      • Install lubricating and cooling systems
      • Install fluid power components, in particular cylinders and valves
      • Prepare, lay and connect tubes and hoses, check for leaks
      • Match sub-assemblies and components, adjust to the correct functionality and secure position
      • Install floating and roller bearings and sub- assemblies with movable parts
      • Install drives, gears and coupling systems
      • Install and wire up circuit devices
      • Install and wire up sub-assemblies for open and closed loop control, measuring and checking
      • Install, adjust and connect sensors
      • Check functions during the installation process
    • Assemble, dismantle, secure and transport machinery and systems
      • Assemble pipes, installation conduits and cable stages
      • Create connections to pipeline systems for the purpose of supply and disposal, select and produce transitions
      • Mount protective systems, shielding, cladding and insulation
      • Select, fix and connect energy distribution and communication technology cables and equipment according due consideration to mechanical and electrical load and method of laying
      • Check the characteristics of the place of installation for fixing
      • Adjust, fix and secure machines, devices and weight-carrying constructions to reference values
      • Evaluate rooms with regard to their environmental conditions and the additional stipulations for rooms of a special kind
      • Stipulate protective measures, carry out voltage potential equalization
      • Evaluate ladders, scaffolding and installation platforms in accordance with technical work and safety aspects
      • Select and deploy lifting equipment, fittings and transport, secure and execute transport
    • Test and modify functions of mechatronics systems
      • Select measuring and test procedures and diagnostic systems, check electrical values and signals at interfaces
      • Connect signal processing sub-assemblies and check incoming and outgoing signals
      • Check measuring equipment for the recording of sequences, pressure and temperature
      • Test and adjust equipment for the identification of limit values, in particular switches and sensors
      • Evaluate and adjust actuators in accordance with technical safety aspects
      • Test open and closed loop control and monitoring systems, adjust control parameters
      • Adjust target levels for relevant process values, in particular for sequences and pressure
      • Systematically localize errors by according consideration to the interfaces of mechanical, fluid power and electrical subassemblies through visual checks, testing and measurement and with the assistance of monitoring systems and test programs
      • Test and adjust electrically and electronically operated drives
      • Investigate the possible causes of malfunctions and errors, evaluate possibilities for the rectification of such malfunctions and errors and initiate repair
      • Test and document individual and overall function
    • Commission and operate mechatronic systems
      • Check protection against physical contact
      • Check effectiveness of protective measures, in particular fault current protective equipment, measure insulation, ground and loop resistance
      • Check the effectiveness of mechanical and electrical safety fixtures, in particular emergency off switches and alarm systems
      • Test and commission auxiliary and control current circuits including the relevant signal and command transmitters for open and closed loop and monitoring systems
      • Check main circuits and gradually commission, measure operational values, adjust target values
      • Commission fluid power equipment
      • Check and adjust smoothness of running, quietness of running, revolution frequency, pressure, temperature and travelling distance, check for leaks
      • Check and secure fixing, energy supply, lubrication, cooling and disposal
      • Load and secure programs and data, check and adjust programmer process
      • Check and commission signal transmission systems, in particular field buses
      • Commission mechatronic systems, carry out function check
      • Check protective measures for electromagnetic compatibility
      • Identify system parameters at the time when commissioning takes place, compare with stipulated values and adiust
      • Operate machines and systems, carry out test run with nominal and limit values
    • Maintain mechatronic systems
      • Inspect mechatronic systems, check function of safety systems and document checks
      • Maintain mechatronic systems in accordance with maintenance and repair plans, exchange parts subject to wear and tear as part of preventative maintenance
      • Dismantle devices and sub-assemblies noting their function and label parts with regard to position and functional alignment
      • Rectify malfunctions by conducting remedial procedures and exchanging parts and sub-assemblies
      • Rectify software errors
      • Compare system parameters with stipulated values and adjust
      • Repair mechatronic systems, with consideration for company processes
      • Adapt mechatronic systems to altered operational conditions
      • Use diagnostic and maintenance systems
    Headquarters Location:
    Atlanta, GA (30335)
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