GACC South


CNC Machining Professional

Competency-based occupation




Classroom Instruction Topics
    On-the-job Training
    • ICATT Apprenticeship contract, company policies and employment regulations
      • Review significance of the apprenticeship training contract, in particular entering into it, its duration, and termination.
      • Review the mutual responsibilities, duties, and obligations arising from the training contract of both parties.
      • Review the essential elements of the training contract.
      • Review the provisions of the labor regulations or collective bargaining agreements that apply to the training company.
      • Review options for continuing education in the trade.
    • Structure and Organization of the ICATT Network Company
      • Explain the history, structure, and organization of the training company.
      • Explain basic functions of the training company such as procurement, manufacturing, sales, administration, and management.
      • Review the relationships of the training company and its personnel to business organizations, trade representatives, area Chambers of Commerce, K-12 schools, and colleges.
      • Describe the principles, tasks, and mode of operation of the representative bodies associated with the training company.
    • Workplace Safety and Health
      • Determine threats to safety and health at the workplace and actions to take to avoid them.
      • Review safety regulations and required documentation related to company equipment such as the operation of electrical, welding, and mechanical devices and tools.
      • Apply ergonomics, trade-specific safety and accident prevention regulations.
      • Describe actions to take in the event of accidents, falls, and health emergencies
      • Review safety regulations related to working with electrical equipment, devices, and operating equipment.
      • Apply fire prevention rules and describe action to take in the event of fire.
      • Review company CPR/first aid/AED protocols and locations of equipment.
      • Use protective and safety equipment and test their functioning.
    • Environmental protection
      • Review company procedures to avoid environmental impacts arising from operations within the occupational work area, in particular: use of green, energy, material, and economical and environmentally sound options.
      • Review possible environmental impact made by the training company and its contribution to protect the environment
      • Identify waste disposal of substances and materials in an environmentally sound manner.
      • Review OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations and applications relevant to the training company
      • Evaluate and apply proper disposal techniques and procedures for fuels and other hazardous waste products.
    • Operational and technical communication
      • Select information sources, gather and evaluate information.
      • Interpret and use technical drawings and parts lists and prepare sketches.
      • Collect, supplement, evaluate, and use documents, technical documentation, and relevant specifications.
      • Maintain, back up, and archive data and documents, taking data protection into account.
      • Engage in clear, articulate and appropriate conversations with customers, supervisors, and in teams taking cultural diversity into account.
      • Illustrate factual situations, prepare records
      • Find and utilize information from technical documents or databases.
      • Organize and facilitate meetings; document and present results.
      • Engage in activities to resolve conflicts among team members, customers, supervisors as appropriate.
    • Plan and organize the work, assess work results
      • Set up the work space using approved operational processes and procedures of the training company
      • Select tools and materials; order, check, transport, and prepare them in a timely manner and maintain accurate inventory.
      • Plan and execute work flows and partial tasks in compliance with economic and scheduling rules.
      • Use instruments of order processing and scheduling.
      • Collect and evaluate data relevant to operations.
      • Review, present and compare the economic feasibility of various solutions.
      • Contribute to continuous improvement of work procedures in your own area.
      • Determine qualification deficiencies and utilize training opportunities.
      • Apply a variety of learning techniques.
      • Select and use testing methods and testing equipment, determine operability of testing equipment.
      • Monitor, evaluate, and document work results.
      • Plan and execute work in the team.
    • Distinguish, classify and handle materials and auxiliary supplies
      • Evaluate material properties and their modifications and select and handle materials appropriately.
      • Classify, use, and dispose of auxiliary supplies according to their use.
    • Manufacture components and modules
      • Ensure operational availability of machine tools, including tools.
      • Select tools and clamping devices, align and clamp workpieces.
      • Manufacture workpieces using manual and machine manufacturing processes.
      • Manufacture parts using cutting and forming processes.
      • Assemble/join parts made of different materials into modules, machines and other work pieces
    • Maintain operating equipment
      • Inspect, maintain, and repair operating equipment and maintain records and reports for equipment maintenance.
      • Visually inspect mechanical and electrical components and connections for mechanical damage, and repair or have them repaired.
      • Select, use, and dispose of materials such as fuels, liquids, and lubricants.
    • Control technology (advanced manufacturing and robotics)
      • Analyze the inspection criteria of control technology for training company equipment and tools, and review, evaluate, and maintain relevant records and documents.
      • Use and maintain control technology.
    • Lash, secure, and transport
      • Select means of securing equipment and products for lifting, moving, transportation and use taking into account relevant local, state, federal, and global regulations.
      • Demonstrate unloading, storage, and securing of various cargo, equipment and production products
    • Customer orientation
      • Procure specifications and information specific to the customer order; review, implement, or forward a customer's order specifications and information to team members
      • Identify order-specific special characteristics and safety regulations with team or customer.
    • Manufacture, assemble, and disassemble components, modules, and systems
      • Analyze tool and equipment technical documents.
      • Create and use assembly and disassembly plans and blueprints.
      • Manufacture and fit components using a combination of various manufacturing processes.
      • Assemble modules and components according to position and function.
      • Disassemble and label modules, systems, or equipment.
      • Clean, maintain, and store modules and components and document results
    • Program numerically controlled machine tools or production systems
      • Handle data entry and data output devices and storage data
      • Produce programs
      • Enter, test, alter and optimize programs
      • Carry out data back up according to company provisions
    • Set up machine tools or production systems
      • Prepare, assemble and align workpiece clamping devices
      • Prepare clamping devices and clamp tools
      • Calculate and save tool correction data
      • Set and enter production parameters
      • Prepare equipment for auxiliary and operating materials
      • Assemble protective equipment and check functionality
      • Carry out test run
    • Produce Workpieces
      • Align and clamp workpieces according to form and material properties
      • Produce workpieces from various materials using appropriate production procedures in accordance with technical documents
      • Evaluate suitability for milling of workpieces taking into account material composition, condition of delivery and condition of heat treatment
      • Follow safety regulations in carrying out the milling process
      • Consider economic factors in producing workpieces
    • Monitor and optimize production processes
      • Monitor and optimize the production processes
      • Recognize and analyze errors in the production process, identify and rectify causes
      • Repair machine-related malfunctions or arrange for repair
      • Monitor safety equipment and ensure functionality
      • Guide quality and quantity by optimizing the process parameters
    • Business practices and quality management in operating area
      • Clarify the nature and scope of orders, identify specific services, agree on particular characteristics deadlines with the customer.
      • Procure, evaluate, and use information for order fulfillment, take technical developments into account, comply with regulations relevant to safety.
      • Accord due consideration to business management and ecological points of view in planning the processing of orders, reach agreement with upstream and downstream divisions, prepare planning documents
      • Arrange for partial orders, review results.
      • Execute orders whilst in particular taking account of health and safety at work, environmental protection and deadlines
      • Apply company quality assurance systems in their own work area, systematically seek out, remedy and document the causes of quality defects.
      • Select and apply test procedures and equipment, check the correct functionality of test equipment, apply test plans and company test regulations, document and evaluate results
      • Document order processing, services and consumption
      • Handover technical systems or products to customers and explain such systems and products, prepare acceptance protocols
      • Evaluate work results and execution of work and contribute to the continuous improvement of work processes
      • Arrange for the optimization of stipulations, particularly of documentation
    Headquarters Location:
    Atlanta, GA (30335)
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