Tool and Die Maker, Plant 1

Hour-based occupation
Onet code: 51-4111.00




Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Technical Math
  • Advanced Technical Math
  • Machine Trades Blueprint Reading
  • Advanced Blueprint Reading
  • Die Design
  • Metallurgy
  • Theory of Machine Shop
  • Machinery Handbook
  • Advanced Die Design
  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding/TIG Welding
  • CNC & NC Programming
  • Quality Assurance
On-the-job Training
  • Conduct test runs of completed tools or dies to ensure that parts meet specifications; make adjustments as necessary
  • Cut and shape blocks or blanks with saw to length or shape using saws, shear, rules and other hand tools
  • File grind and shim and adjust blocks to fit together properly
  • Inspect dies for smoothness, contour, and defects
  • Position and secure machined parts on surface plates or worktables using hoists, vises, v-blocks or angle plates
  • Measure and mark blocks for machining, using height gage, scribe, and rulers
  • Select metals to be used for; blocks, trims, forms, pads, etc. to be used in die
  • Set up and operate CNC machines. Must be able to program and run machine.
  • Smooth and polish flat and contour surfaces using power grinders, and hand abrasives
  • Verify and measure blocks with accuracy and consistency with measuring equipment
  • Read and understand Blue Prints and CAD data. Build blocks off from prints and CAD data
  • Verify dimensions and alignment, clearances, using feeler gages, blocks, lead or any other form of verification to ensure die quality
  • Set pyrometer controls for heat-treating furnaces, to heat treat or temper steel for welding
  • Set up and verify sensors for in-die protection
  • Set up and run surface grinder, mill, drill press, or any other shop equipment
  • Obtain and maintain a hi-lo and crane license to use to move dies, blocks, equipment around
  • Troubleshoot and adjust tooling in press
  • P.M dies from start to finish
  • Weld mild and tempered steel using MIG and TIG welding applications
  • House keeping washing dies, machines, and keeping the overall cleanliness of work area
  • Misc. (Things that are out of scope of list)
  • Build a block to print dimensions in a designated amount of time
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