
ONET: 51-4041.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Machining Calculations
  • Orientation to CAM
  • Basic Blue Print Reading for Machinist
  • Metrology
  • Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
  • Intro to Machine Shop
  • Intro to Machine Shop Lab
  • Machine Shop II
  • Machine Shop Lab II
  • Machining Skills Application
  • Manual Programming
  • CNC Milling Operations
  • CNC Turning
  • Basic CNC
On-the-job training
  • Safety
    • Select and use proper PPE for eye and skin protection.
    • Select and use proper PPE for hearing protection.
    • Select and use proper PPE for foot protection.
    • Practice proper lifting techniques for back safety.
    • Select and use proper PPE for hand protection.
    • Identify and select the proper Fire Extinguishers for the fuel source and use them correctly.
    • Conduct work under guidelines of safe work conditions.
    • Correctly use a safety Data Sheet (SDS) / Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
    • Keep floor and machines clean of chips and oil.
    • Identify safety hazards and report them.
    • Maintain a clean orderly and safe work area.
    • Perform a preventive maintenance procedure for a given machine to extend machine life and minimize downtime.
  • Blueprint Reading
    • Read and interpret necessary information from tolerance blocks.
    • Identify symbols, notations, and lines to industry standards.
    • Identify the type of material designated on a print.
    • Create a process plan which includes work holding, rough machining, and finish plan by print viewing and study.
    • Determine dimensions, critical features, and tolerances on machine drawing.
    • Interpret pictorial, Multiview, auxiliary, and section view drawings to industry standards.
    • Identify GD&T feature control frames, tolerances, orientation, and locations.
    • Interpret part drawing specifications through working with blueprints (dimensions, layout, material, surface finish, countersinks, tolerances, threading, etc.).
  • Metrology
    • Proficiently use tape measures, rulers, and scales.
    • Properly use O.D. and I.D. micrometers, dial calipers, and depth micrometers.
    • Proficiently read and use dial indicators, test indicators and coaxial gauges.
    • Check straight cuts by using precision measuring instruments including (not limited to) micrometer, verniers, calipers, squares, straight edge, dial indicator, and surface comparator, to ensure the accurate size, finish, parallelism, and squareness of straight cuts.
    • Check shapes by using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including radius gauges, surface comparator, and verniers.
    • Check threads by using precision measuring instruments, checking devices, and various checking methods including 3-wire method, thread micrometer, thread gauge, and plug or ring gauges, to ensure the accuracy of pitch, thread geometry, and size of cut threads
    • Check holes by using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including (not limited to) dial indicators, bore gauges, plug gauges, telescopic gauges, surface comparators, and verniers to ensure the accuracy of the diameter, depth, concentricity, position, and finish of cut holes.
    • Check tapers using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including taper gauge, sine bar, micrometer, and vernier to ensure the accuracy of the angle, taper/foot, and diameter of the cut tapers.
    • Check hardness using various types of hardness testers and comparison charts to ensure that the hardness level of the workpiece materials conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
    • Perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure the tolerances and dimensions of the workpiece.
  • Drilling
    • Properly align on center punched holes, drilling, and power tapping.
    • Select and properly use drill tooling, including drill bits, center-drill, reamers, taps, counter-bores, counter- sinks, and spot-faces.
    • Select speeds and feeds for the drill using speed and feed charts and/or manual calculations in accordance with the size, type, and hardness of workpiece material so that the drill performs optimum cutting without damage to workpiece, cutting tools, or machines, and ensures personal safety.
    • Locate and position the workpiece in the drill to the required operational clearances by setting up and securing workpiece with workholding devices, including drilling vises, clamps, jigs, angle plates, and chucks, so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during drilling.
    • Prepare cutting tools for drills by sharpening or replacing tools so that the cutting shape and angle is prepared for optimum cutting.
  • Lathe
    • Properly change out, set up and use a 3-Jaw, 4-Jaw, and collett chucks; including precision indication.
    • Taper attachment proficiently.
    • Steady rest setup and use.
    • Calculate speeds and feeds for different diameters, material and tools.
    • Proficient in turning between centers.
    • Face a surface, turn and external diameter, drill a hole, center drill, bore an internal diameter, ream a hole, tap a hole, turn an internal and external thread, produce a taper, knurl a surface, groove and part off.
    • Proficiently form and grind custom cutting tools.
  • Milling
    • Indicate head, adjust angles, and align vises.
    • Calculate speeds and feeds.
    • Identify the difference between conventional milling and climb milling.
    • Proficient in boring head and fly cutting.
    • Set-up and maintain milling adjustable support tools (indexing heads, vises, angle plates, sine bars, and tables) ensuring that the support tool is the correct one for the application and the workpiece is located and secured during machining.
    • Identify and use wiggler and edge finders.
    • Select the proper milling cutting tools (end mills, face mills, shell cutters, slot drills, boring bars, slitting saws, and boring head) by using information from engineering drawings and job instructions.
    • Perform fly cutting, face milling, machine steps, cutouts, angles, key seats, open slots, pockets, drill and bore a hole.
  • Surface Grinding
    • Select and install a grinding wheel using information in engineering drawings, charts, and job specifications to ensure that the wheel selected is the correct grade and size needed to finish, shape, and size workface in accordance with the hardness and finish of the workpiece and job specifications.
    • Check condition of the grinding wheel for defects, cracks, or chips, and by taking the corrective action, by dressing or replacing as required.
    • Locate and position the workpiece in the grinder to the required operational clearances by setting up workholding devices, including angle plate, magnetic holders, vises, chucks, centers, jigs, V-block, or mandrels, so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during grinding operations.
  • Tools and Equipment
    • Properly use various hand grinders.
    • Properly use wrenches, rachets, soft face and ball peen hammers, punches, pliers, screw drivers, chisels, pry bar, allen keys, files, taps, dies, and bench vises.
    • Use and care for measuring devices, tape measures, rules, scales, mics, calipers, instrument surface plates, and gauge blocks.
  • Benchwork and Layout
    • Layout stock from blueprints, sketches, and templates.
    • Lay out features of engineering drawings on to the workpiece using precision measuring instruments and layout equipment so that the completed layout conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
    • Maintain material identification by marking or stamping workpiece and completing shop documentation to facilitate traceability of the final product or work-in-process and to maintain inventory control in accordance with company standards.
    • Deburr workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders, and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and to ensure safe handling in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
    • Use a hand-file including (flat, needle, bastard, rat-tail, lathe, and half-round files) to remove excessive material.
    • Hand-tap threaded holes, using T-handle, and tapping block.
    • Chase threads using hand taps and dies to repair or clean damaged threads.
  • CNC Lathe
    • Properly load material; setup and load program; check and set tools.
    • Correctly edit programs/check for errors.
    • Correctly write program at machine.
    • Identify, select, and set machine parameters (spindle feeds, table feeds, and power settings) using speed and feed charts and/or manual calculations according to the type, size, grade, and hardness of the material to be cut so that the workpiece is machined efficiently and safely without damage to the tooling, machine, or workpiece.
    • Determine the tool path and calculate the proper coordinates to establish cutter start-point, cutter finish-point, and geometry of the path.
    • Verify tool sequence, tool path, and collision avoidance program by performing a dry run and editing program as required.
    • Properly check lube levels.
    • Properly check coolant.
    • Select, set up, and touch off the proper tooling for OD and ID turning, OD and ID threading, O.D. and I.D. grooving, facing and parting.
    • Monitor the NC/CNC machining process by interrupting machining, measuring or checking dimensions, and making adjustments to machine feeds, speeds, and offsets, so that the dimensions, shape, and tolerances of the machined workpiece are maintained during machining.
  • CNC Mill
    • Properly setup machine.
    • Check program for errors, and edit as needed.
    • Identify, select, and set machine parameters (spindle feeds, table feeds, and power settings) using speed and feed charts and/or manual calculations according to the type, size, grade, and hardness of the material to be cut so that the workpiece is machined efficiently and safely without damage to the tooling, machine, or workpiece.
    • Properly setup and indicate vices, angle plates, and work pieces.
    • Correctly set new tools and replace worn tooling.
    • Keep machine properly oiled, lubed, and serviced.
    • Check and change levels of coolant.
    • Keep machine clean and free of trip hazards.
    • Correctly write program at machine.
    • Determine the tool path and calculate the proper coordinates to establish cutter start-point, cutter finish-point, and geometry of the path.
    • Verify tool sequence, tool path, and collision avoidance program by performing a dry run and editing program as required.
    • Monitor the NC/CNC machining process by interrupting machining, measuring or checking dimensions, and making adjustments to machine feeds, speeds, and offsets, so that the dimensions, shape, and tolerances of the machined workpiece are maintained during machining.
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